88 030

Railway District/Company:Bulgaria, other companies
Depot:DB Cargo Bulgaria EOOD
Model:Class 92
Identification number:91 70 0092 030-1
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
88 030-1

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86 018, Bulgaria, other companies

Болгария, область Бургас, перегон Черноград — Карнобат
Bulgaria, Burgas region, Chernograd — Karnobat stretch
България, област Бургас, междугарието Черноград — Карнобат

Sunday, August 12, 2018
Author: Роман Черинов

478 KB

Болгария, область Бургас, станция Долно Езерово
Bulgaria, Burgas region, Dolno Ezerovo station
България, област Бургас, гара Долно Езерово

Monday, August 15, 2016
Author: Роман Черинов

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Bulgaria, other companies → DB Cargo Bulgaria EOOD → Class 92
—  Bulgaria, other companies → DB Cargo Bulgaria EOOD
—  Bulgaria, other companies → Class 92
—  Class 92