223 054

223 054
223 (Siemens Eurorunner)Luxembourg private carriersBeacon Rail Leasing S.à.r.l. 
DE2000-02 DE2000 (Siemens Eurorunner)Germany, private carriersOther223 054

Railway District/Company:Luxembourg private carriers
Depot:Beacon Rail Leasing S.à.r.l.
Model:223 (Siemens Eurorunner)
Builder:Siemens AG   Siemens AG
Works number:21180
Identification number:92 80 1223 054-8 D-NOB
Category:Main Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
__.__.2005 — построен для CBRail Leasing S.à r.l., Luxembourg, обозначен DE 2000-02
16.12.2005 — введён в эксплуатацию
· 16.12.2005—15.03.2015 — аренда Veolia Verkehr Regio GmbH, Berlin
· 16.12.2005—__.1_.2015 — субаренда NOB · Nord-Ostsee-Bahn GmbH, Kiel

01.01.2007 — присвоен NVR-номер 92 80 1223 054-8 D-NOB
06.04.2010 — перешёл к Ascendos Rail Leasing S.à r.l., Luxembourg
· 16.03.2015 — аренда Transdev Regio Ost GmbH, Leipzig (ex Veolia Verkehr GmbH), обозначен 223 054
· с __.1_.2015 — работает у MRB · Mitteldeutsche Regiobahn
17.06.2016 — перешёл к BRLL Beacon Rail Leasing S.à r.l., Luxembourg

№:223 054
Railway District/Company:Luxembourg private carriers
Depot:Beacon Rail Leasing S.à.r.l.
Model:223 (Siemens Eurorunner)
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
March 2015
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Railway District/Company:Germany, private carriers
Model:DE2000 (Siemens Eurorunner)
Note:223 054
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Luxembourg private carriers → Beacon Rail Leasing S.à.r.l. → 223 (Siemens Eurorunner)
—  Germany, private carriers → Other → DE2000 (Siemens Eurorunner)
—  Luxembourg private carriers → Beacon Rail Leasing S.à.r.l.
—  Germany, private carriers → Other
—  Luxembourg private carriers → 223 (Siemens Eurorunner)
—  Germany, private carriers → DE2000 (Siemens Eurorunner)
—  223 (Siemens Eurorunner)
—  DE2000 (Siemens Eurorunner)