
Sverdlovsk RailwayTCh-3 Kunzugur 
Krasnoyarsk RailwayOther
 Far Eastern RailwayRailway transport of the Ministry of Defense5 ОЖАД

Railway District/Company:Sverdlovsk Railway
Depot:TCh-3 Kunzugur
Model:Eu, Em, Er
Builder:Kharkov Komintern plant   Kharkov
Identification number:10346724
Written off:1992
Category:Engine Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
В середине 30-х гг. от ДВИС передан Тихоокеанскому флоту (5 ОЖАД, на 1937 г. победитель конкурса "Лучший паровоз системы береговой обороны")
В 1944 г. передан на Красноярскую ж. д.
В 1957 г. передан на Свердловскую ж. д.

Порезан в мае 1992 г. в депо Кунгур

Written off
Railway District/Company:Sverdlovsk Railway
Depot:TCh-3 Kunzugur
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Krasnoyarsk Railway
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Railway District/Company:Krasnoyarsk Railway
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Far Eastern Railway
Depot:Railway transport of the Ministry of Defense
Note:5 ОЖАД
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Sverdlovsk Railway → TCh-3 Kunzugur → Eu, Em, Er
—  Krasnoyarsk Railway → Other → Eu, Em, Er
—  Far Eastern Railway → Railway transport of the Ministry of Defense → Eu, Em, Er
—  Sverdlovsk Railway → TCh-3 Kunzugur
—  Krasnoyarsk Railway → Other
—  Far Eastern Railway → Railway transport of the Ministry of Defense
—  Sverdlovsk Railway → Eu, Em, Er
—  Krasnoyarsk Railway → Eu, Em, Er
—  Far Eastern Railway → Eu, Em, Er
—  Eu, Em, Er