Railway District/Company: | Kuybyshev Railway |
Depot: | TChE-20 Sterlitamak |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16868135/16868143 |
Built: | 08.1988 |
Arrived: | 09.1988 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
Current condition: | In operation |
С завода поступил в депо Ленинград-Сортировочный-Витебский Октябрьской ж. д.
__.2010 — передан в депо Великие Луки
06.2020 — передан в депо Дно
10.2020 — передан в депо Великие Луки
07.2021 — передан в депо Дно
07.2022 — передан в депо Астрахань-II Приволжской ж. д.
02.2024 — передан в депо Стерлитамак Куйбышевской ж. д.
03.2005 — КР-2 Полтавский ТРЗ
05.2013 — СР Даугавпилсский ЛРЗ
04.2020 — КР Оренбургский ЛРЗ
11.2023 — ТР-3 СЛД-42 Ершовское |
Secondary photos (2): hide / show
Россия, Башкортостан, станция Стерлитамак Russia, Bashkortostan, Sterlitamak station Рәсәй, Башҡортостан, Стәрлетамаҡ станцияһы
Monday, March 4, 2024 Author: Ruslan_galeev__
№: | 2ТЭ116-1407 |
Railway District/Company: | Kuybyshev Railway |
Depot: | TChE-20 Sterlitamak |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16868135/16868143 |
Built: | 08.1988 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) February 2024 | ↑Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) |
№: | 2ТЭ116-1407 |
Railway District/Company: | Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway |
Depot: | TChE-1 Astrakhan-II |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16868135/16868143 |
Built: | 08.1988 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
№: | 2ТЭ116-1407 |
Railway District/Company: | Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway |
Depot: | TChE-1 Astrakhan-II |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16868135/16868143 |
Built: | 08.1988 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) July 2022 | ↑Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) |
№: | 2ТЭ116-1407 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-18 Dno |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16868135/16868143 |
Built: | 08.1988 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Россия, Санкт-Петербург, станция Полюстрово Russia, Saint Petersburg, Polyustrovo station
Wednesday, September 22, 2021 Author: Iridium
Россия, Санкт-Петербург, станция Санкт-Петербург-Финляндский Russia, Saint Petersburg, Sankt-Peterburg-Finlyandskiy station
Thursday, August 26, 2021 Author: kosteg
№: | 2ТЭ116-1407 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-18 Dno |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16868135/16868143 |
Built: | 08.1988 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
Transferred to another depot July 2021 | ↑Transferred to another depot |
№: | 2ТЭ116-1407 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-31 Velikie Luki |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16868135/16868143 |
Built: | 08.1988 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Россия, Ленинградская область, станция Серебрянка Russia, Leningrad region, Serebryanka station
Monday, June 21, 2021 Author: Romario
№: | 2ТЭ116-1407 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-31 Velikie Luki |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16868135/16868143 |
Built: | 08.1988 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
Transferred to another depot October 2020 | ↑Transferred to another depot |
№: | 2ТЭ116-1407 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-18 Dno |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16868135/16868143 |
Built: | 08.1988 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Россия, Тверская область, перегон Белый Городок — Савёлово Russia, Tver region, Bely Gorodok — Savyolovo stretch
Friday, October 9, 2020 Author: Александр Конов
№: | 2ТЭ116-1407 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-18 Dno |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16868135/16868143 |
Built: | 08.1988 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
Transferred to another depot June 2020 | ↑Transferred to another depot |
№: | 2ТЭ116-1407 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-31 Velikie Luki |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16868135/16868143 |
Built: | 08.1988 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Россия, Новгородская область, станция Валдай Russia, Novgorod region, Valday station
Saturday, August 24, 2019 Author: Ivan00
Россия, Московская область, перегон Муриково — Шаховская Russia, Moscow region, Murikovo — Shakhovskaya stretch
Saturday, September 30, 2017 Author: NikZD95
2ТЭ116-1054 , October Railway
Россия, Ленинградская область, станция Гатчина-Товарная-Балтийская Russia, Leningrad region, Gatchina-Tovarnaya-Baltiyskaya station
Sunday, November 6, 2016 Author: Vasiliy_94
Россия, Ленинградская область, станция Оредеж Russia, Leningrad region, Oredezh station
Saturday, June 18, 2016 Author: Romario
Россия, Новгородская область, перегон Волот — Тулебля Russia, Novgorod region, Volot — Tuleblya stretch
Friday, July 25, 2014 Author: Dmitriy Vasilev
Латвия, Резекне, депо Резекне Latvia, Rezekne, Rezekne depot Latvija, Rēzekne, depo Rēzekne
Wednesday, November 2, 2011 Author: Машинист пивного крана
№: | 2ТЭ116-1407 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-31 Velikie Luki |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16868135/16868143 |
Built: | 08.1988 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
Transferred to another depot 2010 | ↑Transferred to another depot |
№: | 2ТЭ116-1407 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-18 Dno |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16868135/16868143 |
Built: | 08.1988 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Россия, Московская область, станция Волоколамск Russia, Moscow region, Volokolamsk station
Saturday, August 29, 2009 Author: dymon.z
September 1988 Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)
Lists of rolling stock:
— Kuybyshev Railway → TChE-20 Sterlitamak → 2TE116
— Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway → TChE-1 Astrakhan-II → 2TE116
— October Railway → TChE-18 Dno → 2TE116
— October Railway → TChE-31 Velikie Luki → 2TE116
— Kuybyshev Railway → TChE-20 Sterlitamak
— Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway → TChE-1 Astrakhan-II
— October Railway → TChE-18 Dno
— October Railway → TChE-31 Velikie Luki
— Kuybyshev Railway → 2TE116
— Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway → 2TE116
— October Railway → 2TE116
— 2TE116