
Railway District/Company:South-Eastern Railway
Depot:Private depots at the enterprises
Builder:Lyudinovo Locomotive Plant  
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
Note:АО «Пигмент»

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Россия, Тамбовская область, ООО "Волгоградпромжелдортранс"
Russia, Tambov region, "Volgogradpromzheldortrans" LLC

Sunday, June 10, 2018
Author: Лагутин И.Б.

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  South-Eastern Railway → Private depots at the enterprises → TGM4B
—  South-Eastern Railway → Private depots at the enterprises
—  South-Eastern Railway → TGM4B
—  TGM4B