Сербия, Белградский округ, ООО "Термоелектране Никола Тесла"
Serbia, Belgade region, Termoelektrane Nikola Tesla Ltd.
Србија, Београдски округ, "Термоелектране Никола Тесла"

Author: Bahnbilder von W. and H. Brutzer · DDR           Date: May 24, 2002

Information about the photo

License: BY-NC
Published 06.03.2025 16:09 MSK
Views — 129
Detailed information


Railway District/Company:Serbia, other companies  
Depot:Termoelektrane Nikola Tesla d.o.o.
Model:JŽ 62
Builder:Đuro Đaković   Slavonski Brod
Category:Engine Locomotives
Current condition:Out of order
Note:Рудник угља Колубара

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