Португалия, округ Сетубал, станция Баррейру
Portugal, Setubal district, Barreiro station
Portugal, distrito de Setúbal, estação do Barreiro

Autor: Karalis Arturs · CP           Data: 8 czerwca 2024 r.

Informacje o zdjęciu

Licencja: Copyright ©
Opublikowano 02.08.2024 10:02 MSK
Wyświetleń — 540
Dokładne informacje

Dodali do ulubionych: 1


Okręg kolejowy/Spółka:Comboios de Portugal (CP)   CP
Seria:CP 2240
Producent:Sorefame   Amadora
Nr. ID lokomotywy:90 94 5 002277
Kategoria:Elektryczne zespoły trakcyjne
Aktualny stan taboru:Czynny
Fixed composition 90 94 5 002277 + 90 94 9 172277 + 90 94 5 882277 (control trailer + motor + control trailer)

1970 — Built by Sorefame
2005 — Modernized by Alstom

Ustawienia kamery

Model:iPhone 12 Pro
Date and Time:08.06.2024 15:08
Exposure Time:1/2304 sec
Aperture Value:1.6
ISO Speed:32
Focal Length:4.2 mm
Pokaż wszystkie dane EXIF

Komentarze · 4

02.08.2024 16:46 MSK
Brak zdjęć
Даааа! Вот здесь https://railgallery.ru/photo/136542/ ещё куда ни шло, но с такого ракурса! Author, if you don’t understand Russian, then I’m surprised by the very unusual appearance.
+2 / –0
02.08.2024 22:11 MSK
Zdjęć: 11
What's wrong with the angle of the photo?

A lot of other photos on this site are taken from the opposite platform. Not sure what's so surprising.
+2 / –0
02.08.2024 22:21 MSK
Brak zdjęć
I'm talking about the appearance of the electric train. Design. In my opinion it's ugly.
+2 / –1
03.08.2024 11:26 MSK
Zdjęć: 11
At least the color scheme is better than the one they had a few years back - https://railgallery.ru/photo/184430/ (some might still have it)

To be honest the design of this series and the 3200 series (https://railgallery.ru/photo/222258/) is "weird". 2200 looks "angry" and "annoyed", while 3200 looks "stoned" :D

Only 3400 (https://railgallery.ru/photo/221689/) and 3500 (https://railgallery.ru/photo/252838/) series look good, but it is what it is. :D
The 3500 series color scheme used by CP (https://railgallery.ru/photo/221711/) reminds the German DB a bit too much for my liking though.
+2 / –0

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