Великобритания, Англия, Восточный Йоркшир, перегон Коттингем — Халл
United Kingdom, England, East Yorkshire, Cottingham — Hull stretch
Поезд № 6Y32 Дриффилд — Бельмонт Даун Ярд
Train № 6Y32 Driffield — Belmont Down Yard

Autor: Hagues98 · BR           Datum: 4 veljače 2024

Podaci o fotografiji

Objavljeno 06.02.2024 14:15 MSK
Broj pregleda — 692
Detaljni podaci


Željeznički prijevoznik:United Kingdom Railways   BR
Depo:Freightliner (FL)
Serija vozila:Class 66
Graditelj:Electro-Motive Diesel   La Grange, Illinois
Godina proizvodnje:2006
Vrsta vozila:Diesel Locomotives
Trenutno stanje:U službi

Postavke snimanja

Model:NIKON Z 6_2
Date and Time:04.02.2024 12:04
Exposure Time:1/320 sec
Aperture Value:7.1
ISO Speed:1250
Focal Length:70 mm
Prikaži proširene EXIF podatke

Komentari · 4

06.02.2024 14:15 MSK
Citiraj označeno
Hagues98 · BR
Broj objavljenih fotografija: 222
Freightliner 66413 in their orange livery with an engineering train of used ballast. This week the line between Beverley and Scarborough has no passenger traffic so work can be carried out. This was one of 4 ballast trains which travelled the line to Doncaster.
+10 / –0
06.02.2024 17:07 MSK
Citiraj označeno
Nema objavljenih fotografija
Perfectly shot!)
Will there be a photo with Class 70?
+3 / –0
06.02.2024 17:32 MSK
Citiraj označeno
ЕвРо · Okt
Broj objavljenih fotografija: 365
Это случайно не потомок "Кестрела" (HS 4000)?
+3 / –0
06.02.2024 17:58 MSK
Citiraj označeno
Hagues98 · BR
Broj objavljenih fotografija: 222
Quote (Андрей Никольский, 06.02.2024):
> Perfectly shot!)
> Will there be a photo with Class 70?

Thank you! Sadly so far there haven't been any class 70's on trains down this line, if one will run I shall go and get a photo of it! I have a couple of photos with class 70's on my profile though.

Quote (ЕвРо, 06.02.2024):
> Это случайно не потомок "Кестрела" (HS 4000)?

No these are built in by EMD in the US.
+5 / –0

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