4003 · 4034
Австралия, Южная Австралия, станция Солсбери
Australia, South Australia, Salisbury Station

Author: Aydenb · Australia           Date: December 27, 2023

Information about the photo

License: Copyright ©
Published 27.12.2023 17:40 MSK
Views — 485
Detailed information

Added to favorites: 1


Railway District/Company:Australian Railways   Australia
Depot:Adelaide Metro
Model:A-City 4000 Class
Builder:Dandenong rolling stock factory   Dandenong
Category:Electric Suburban
Current condition:In operation

Camera Settings

Model:NIKON D5100
Date and Time:01.01.2011 04:26
Exposure Time:1/250 sec
Aperture Value:8
ISO Speed:110
Focal Length:35 mm
Show all EXIF data

Comments · 5

27.12.2023 18:49 MSK
Ruslan_galeev__ · Стерлитамак
Photos: 343
Are there freight trains in Australia?
+3 / –0
28.12.2023 09:38 MSK
No photos
Very beautiful photo! Only electric trains beside You short. The Whole three coaches. I thought that coach more. Interesting they work at alternating current or on direct currents? Beautifully electric trains is taken pictures on background summer in South hemisphere.
+2 / –0
28.12.2023 10:29 MSK
Itz_Vláďa · Australia
Photos: 12
Цитата (Ruslan_galeev__, 28.12.2023):
> Are there freight trains in Australia?

Есть, но их в Южной Австралии очень тяжело словить. Ходят редко, только по пару участкам и в разное время.

Цитата (TRAINSET, 28.12.2023):
> Very beautiful photo! Only electric trains beside You short. The Whole three coaches. I thought that coach more. Interesting they work at alternating current or on direct currents? Beautifully electric trains is taken pictures on background summer in South hemisphere.

Благодарим! Очень приятно!
Не забывайте правда, что это только один штат из шести. Если взять NSW, там ж/д сеть гооооораздо больше чем у нас на юге. И вагоны там ходят не в 3-х вагонном исполнении а в 4-х, 6-ти и 8-ми)) Ждите фото короче)
Ток у нас в Аделаиде 25Kv 50Hz.
+5 / –0
19.01.2024 22:22 MSK
No photos
In Book Record Ginnesa was fixed следуующий fact about Australia. Just to subjects railway трансопрта and railways of this country and mainland as a whole. The Fact in following - on territory of the Australia is laid the longest in the world rectilinear area railway in 470 km. On this area even пологих tumbling no. Purely direct lines. This fact was fixed at the beginning initially 1990-h years. Can presently and no such area. Fact Itself that he really was exists. Information on this fact is taken from book Economic and Social Geography of the World. Publishing Moscow, 2023. So, in Australia not away to do the speed pathways почище France, Germany, Japan, USA, China. Not it is necessary immediately me to speak that all придумано. Find and elaborate information. You all cards in hands.
+1 / –0
19.01.2024 22:45 MSK
xxil · Okt
Photos: 24
> In Book Record Ginnesa was fixed следуующий fact about Australia.

MGIMO finished?
+2 / –1

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