Россия, Москва, станция Люблино-Сортировочное
Russia, Moscow, Lyublino-Sortirovochnoe station

Author: dymon.z · Фили           Date: April 11, 2009

Information about the photo

License: BY
Published 15.03.2023 19:50 MSK
Views — 372
Detailed information


Railway District/Company:Gorky Railway   Gor
Depot:Locomotives of industrial transport
Model:TGM4A, TGM4L
Builder:Lyudinovo Locomotive Plant   Lyudinovo
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition:Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) In operation
Note:ОАО «Завод Красная Этна», г. Нижний Новгород
Ранее ОАО «Завод Красная Этна», Нижний Новгород
Фото http://www.train-photo.ru/details.php?image_id=23708

Camera Settings

Model:Canon EOS 50D
Date and Time:11.04.2009 15:13
Exposure Time:1/500 sec
Aperture Value:8
ISO Speed:400
Focal Length:34 mm
Show all EXIF data

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