Великобритания, Англия, Восточный Йоркшир, перегон Беверли — Коттингем
United Kingdom, England, East Yorkshire, Beverley — Cottingham stretch

Autor: Hagues98 · BR           Datum: 17 siječnja 2021

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Licenca: BY-ND
Objavljeno 29.06.2022 23:06 MSK
Broj pregleda — 381
Izvorni datum objave
na stranici TrainPix:
17.01.2021 21:00 MSK
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Ocjena: +1


Željeznički prijevoznik:United Kingdom Railways   BR
Depo:Neville Hill (NL)
Serija vozila:BR Class 158 (Express Sprinter)
Vrsta vozila:Diesel Suburban
Trenutno stanje:U službi
Ex Scotrail now with Northern Rail

Postavke snimanja

Model:NIKON D7200
Date and Time:17.01.2021 13:13
Exposure Time:1/800 sec
Aperture Value:8
ISO Speed:320
Focal Length:35 mm
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Komentari · 3

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17.01.2021 21:00 MSK
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Now not so common on the railway line local to my parents, class 158s only visit the line to stand in for a class 170 during the Monday - Saturday period. On Sundays however there is usually 1 or 2 on a diagram running from Sheffield - Hull - Scarborough. This one in the photo is 158786 which is ex Scotrail and was transferred to Northern a few years back now. You can tell by the different headlight cluster shape.
It works the 1W16 0836 Sheffield to Scarborough service covering 113 miles (181km) in 3 hours with 17 stops.
Also due to the lockdown in England again, I haven't really been able to travel anywhere to take photos, so it was nice to get out, even if it's only a minutes walk from the house :)
17.01.2021 21:10 MSK
Citiraj označeno
Gorgeous picture!
17.01.2021 22:06 MSK
Citiraj označeno
Quote (Craizer, 17.01.2021):
> Gorgeous picture!

Thanks! :)

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