Великобритания, Англия, Стаффордшир, станция Темворс
United Kingdom, England, Staffordshire, Tamworth station

ავტორი: Hagues98 · BR           Date: 8 სექტემბერი 2017 წელი

Information about the photo

License: BY-ND
Published 29.06.2022 23:06 MSK
ნახვები — 422
Original publication date
on TrainPix:
17.12.2020 09:30 MSK
Detailed information


რკინიგზა / კომპანია:United Kingdom Railways   BR
დეპო:DB Cargo UK Ltd. (DBCUK)
მოდელი:Class 66
სერიული ტიპი:JT42CWR
სამუშაოების ნომერი:968702-90
კატეგორია:Main Diesel Locomotives
ამდროინდელი მდგომარეობა:ექსპლუატაციაშია
Now painted in DB Cargo "Maritime" livery

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Date and Time:08.09.2017 11:16
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Comments · 6

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17.12.2020 09:30 MSK
DB Cargo 66090 hauls a loaded tank train from Lindsey Oil Refinery to Kingsbury Oil Sidings, through Tamworth high level. Behind the loco is a class 60 which had failed, meaning the freight was running over 2 hours late, due to the class 66 having to go and rescue it.
Tamworth station is an interesting one, as it has a high and low level, with two platforms on each. On the low level the West Coast Main Line runs with 4 tracks, 2 fast 2 slow, the high level has the Birmingham - Derby Cross country line. Both levels see decent amounts of freight.
17.12.2020 10:03 MSK
Шикарное фото
17.12.2020 10:32 MSK
Анатолий Нагорнов
Fuel snake :)
What's the number of secondary locomotive?
17.12.2020 14:19 MSK
Quote (URAGAN, 17.12.2020):
> Шикарное фото

Thank you!
Quote (Анатолий Нагорнов, 17.12.2020):
> What's the number of secondary locomotive?

I am not sure sorry, it was a few years ago now and I don't tend to make not of locomotive numbers. However it is a DB Cargo class 60.
18.12.2020 08:50 MSK
Павел В. Кашин
It's a long time ago, I know. But it's very strange to see DB-logo in the UK anyway.
18.12.2020 13:59 MSK
A lot of the EWS livery carrying locos have that little sticker, they are gradually painting them Red though.

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