628 265
Венгрия, Будапешт, депо Будапешт-Ференцварош
Hungary, Budapest, Budapest-Ferencvaros depot
Magyarország, Budapest, Budapest-Ferencváros vontatási telep

Author: 2M62 · Hungary, other companies           Date: February 5, 2012

Information about the photo

License: BY-ND
Published 12.05.2022 23:07 MSK
Views — 322
Original publication date
on TrainPix:
10.12.2012 12:54 MSK
Detailed information

628 265

Railway District/Company:MÁV-TRAKCIÓ  
Model:M62 MAV
Builder:Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works  
Works number:2069
Identification number:92 55 0628 265-4 H-MÁVTR
Category:Main Diesel Locomotives
Current condition:Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) In operation

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