Rail vehicles without photos

Gorky Railway, Kazanorgsintez JSC

Here are the rail vehicles with no photos during at least the last year.
Sort by:  last photo's date · name/number
YearsმოდელიდეპოშესწორებაLast PhotoTotal Photos
КДЭ163-4633 KDE163 Kazanorgsintez 0
КЖ561-301 KZh561 Kazanorgsintez 0
ТГМ4-1874 TGM4 Kazanorgsintez 0
ТГМ6В-0151 TGM6V Kazanorgsintez 0
ТГМ6В-0249 TGM6V Kazanorgsintez 0
2 ТГМ6А-2418 TGM6, TGM6A Kazanorgsintez 15 აგვისტო 2022 წელი 2