Rail vehicles without photos

South-Eastern Railway, JSK "Yukon-Logistic"

Here are the rail vehicles with no photos during at least the last year.
Sort by:  last photo's date · name/number
YearsModelDepotNoteLast PhotoTotal Photos
ТГМ23Б-2876 TGM23B Yukon-Logistic 0
ТГМ23В48-1766 TGM23V Yukon-Logistic 0
ТЭМ18-374 TEM18 Yukon-Logistic 0
7 ТГМ23ДК44-508 TGM23D Yukon-Logistic August 10, 2017 2
7 ТГМ23В48-2047 TGM23V Yukon-Logistic February 11, 2018 1
6 ТЭМ3М-001 TEM3M Yukon-Logistic June 6, 2018 2
5 ТГМ23Б-2783 TGM23B Yukon-Logistic September 6, 2019 1
5 ТЭМ2УМ-171 TEM2UM Yukon-Logistic November 15, 2019 4
3 ТЭМ2-7204 TEM2, TEM2A Yukon-Logistic October 21, 2021 2