Rail vehicles without photos

North Caucasus Railway, OPMS-27 Armavir

Here are the rail vehicles with no photos during at least the last year.
Sort by:  last photo's date · name/number
YearsModelDepotNoteLast PhotoTotal Photos
КЖДЭ16-1182 KZhDE16 OPMS-27 0
МПД-1000 MPD OPMS-27 0
МПД-658 MPD OPMS-27 0
МПД2-086 MPD2 OPMS-27 0
МПД2-225 MPD2 OPMS-27 0
МПК-150 MPK OPMS-27 0
УК25/9-18 684 UK25/9-18 OPMS-27 0
УК25/9-18 733 UK25/9-18 OPMS-27 0
10 МПД2М1-310 MPD2 OPMS-27 August 7, 2014 1