Rail vehicles without photos

Gorky Railway, Yanaul machine-track station (PMS-215)

Here are the rail vehicles with no photos during at least the last year.
Sort by:  last photo's date · name/number
YearsModelDepotNoteLast PhotoTotal Photos
ВПО3000-440 VPO3000 Yanaul PMS-215 0
КЖ461-60 KZh461 Yanaul PMS-215 0
МПД-1039 MPD Yanaul PMS-215 0
МПД-1156 MPD Yanaul PMS-215 0
МПД-1173 MPD Yanaul PMS-215 0
МПД-675 MPD Yanaul PMS-215 0
МПД2-167 MPD2 Yanaul PMS-215 0
МПД2-184 MPD2 Yanaul PMS-215 0
МПД2-220 MPD2 Yanaul PMS-215 0
МПК-044 MPK Yanaul PMS-215 0
УК25/9-18 448 UK25/9-18 Yanaul PMS-215 0
УК25/9-18 645 UK25/9-18 Yanaul PMS-215 0
УК25/9-18 800 UK25/9-18 Yanaul PMS-215 0
ЭЛБ3МК-016 ELB3MK, ELB4 Yanaul PMS-215 0