Rail vehicles without photos

ÖBB — Austrian Federal Railways, Selzthal

Here are the rail vehicles with no photos during at least the last year.
Sort by:  last photo's date · name/number
YearsModelDepotNoteLast PhotoTotal Photos
1063 001 1063 Selzthal 0
1063 002 1063 Selzthal 0
1063 003 1063 Selzthal 0
1063 007 1063 Selzthal 0
1063 008 1063 Selzthal 0
1063 009 1063 Selzthal 0
1063 010 1063 Selzthal 0
1063 011 1063 Selzthal 0
1063 012 1063 Selzthal 0
1063 013 1063 Selzthal 0
1063 014 1063 Selzthal 0
1063 021 1063 Selzthal 0
1063 022 1063 Selzthal 0
1063 023 1063 Selzthal 0
1063 024 1063 Selzthal 0
1063 025 1063 Selzthal 0
1063 026 1063 Selzthal 0
1063 027 1063 Selzthal 0
1063 028 1063 Selzthal 0
1063 029 1063 Selzthal 0
1063 030 1063 Selzthal 0
1063 031 1063 Selzthal 0
1063 032-7 1063 Selzthal 0
1142 632-7 1042 / 1142 Selzthal 0
1144 210 1044 / 1144 Selzthal 0