Rail vehicles without photos

Moscow Railway, Kaluga united economy of railway transport

Here are the rail vehicles with no photos during at least the last year.
Sort by:  last photo's date · name/number
YearsModelDepotNoteLast PhotoTotal Photos
ТЭМ2УМ-146 TEM2UM Kaluga UERT 0
4 ТГМ4А-2040 TGM4A, TGM4L Kaluga UERT November 30, 2020 2
4 ТГМ6А-1299 TGM6, TGM6A Kaluga UERT November 30, 2020 2
1 ТЭМ2-6964 TEM2, TEM2A Kaluga UERT July 31, 2023 5