Popis vozila


Razvrstati s obzirom na:  Brojčanu oznaku  ·  Serijski broj  ·  Godinu proizvodnje  ·  Datum otpisa

Brojčana oznaka Podserija vozila Tvornički broj Identifikacijski broj Godina proizvodnje Datum otpisa Vlasnik Depo Napomena
440 002 1974 1998 RENFE Other
440 003 1974 08.1997 RENFE Other
440 004 1974 1998 RENFE Other
440 006 1974 07.1997 RENFE Other
440 007 1974 03.1998 RENFE Other
440 008 440 008 9 440 008 1 1974 ???? RENFE Other https://flic.kr/p/dJesfm
440 009 1974 1998 RENFE Other
440 010 1974 1998 RENFE Other
440 012 1974 07.1997 RENFE Other
440 013 1974 07.1997 RENFE Other
440 016 1974 04.1998 RENFE Other
440 017 1974 08.1997 RENFE Other
440 018 1974 1998 RENFE Other
440 020 1974 02.1998 RENFE Other
440 021 1974 04.1998 RENFE Other
440 022 1974 05.1998 RENFE Other
440 024 1974 05.1998 RENFE Other
440 026 1974 03.1998 RENFE Other
440 027 1974 05.1998 RENFE Other
440 028 1974 1998 RENFE Other
440 029 1974 05.1998 RENFE Other
440 030 1975 04.1998 RENFE Other
440 031 1975 04.1998 RENFE Other
440 032 1975 Railways of Chile Other 109
440 033 1975 1998 RENFE Other
440 034 1975 RENFE Valladolid
440 036 1975 RENFE Other
440 037 1975 11.1997 RENFE Other
440 038 1975 08.1997 RENFE Other
440 039 1975 08.1997 RENFE Other
440 040 1975 08.1997 RENFE Other
440 042 1975 01.1998 RENFE Other
440 043 1975 Railways of Chile Other 112
440 044 1975 Railways of Chile Other 102
440 045 1975 05.1998 RENFE BCN-SAC
440 047 1975 02.1998 RENFE Other
440 048 1975 Railways of Chile Other
440 049 1975 Railways of Chile Other 103
440 050 1975 Railways of Chile Other 101
440 051 1975 Railways of Chile Other 202
440 052 1975 Railways of Chile Other 104
440 053 1975 Railways of Chile Other 203
440 054 1975 08.1997 RENFE Other
440 055 1975 04.1998 RENFE Other
440 056 1975 08.1997 RENFE Other
440 057 1975 15.02.1983 RENFE Other
440 058 1975 08.1997 RENFE Other
440 059 1975 1998 RENFE Other
440 060 1975 Railways of Chile Other
440 061 1975 Railways of Chile Other 105
440 062 1975 07.1997 RENFE Other
440 063 1975 02.1998 RENFE Other
440 064 1975 Railways of Chile Other 111
440 065 1976 05.1998 RENFE Other
440 066 1976 Railways of Chile Other 201
440 067 1976 Railways of Chile Other
440 068 1976 1998 RENFE Other
440 069 1976 03.1998 RENFE Other
440 072 1976 04.1998 RENFE Other
440 073 1976 01.1998 RENFE Other
440 075 1976 Railways of Chile Other
440 076 1976 1997 RENFE Other
440 079 1977 05.1998 RENFE Other
440 081 1977 Railways of Chile Other 204
440 082 1977 04.1998 RENFE Other
440 083 1977 04.1998 RENFE Other
440 092 1977 11.1997 RENFE Other
440 093 1977 12.1997 RENFE Other
440 133 1978 Railways of Chile Other
440 134 1978 Railways of Chile Other
440 144-4 1980 RENFE León

Prikazano zapisa: 71 of 71

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