Lista pojazdów


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Nr. fabryczny Wyprodukowano Left/written off Okręg kolejowy Lokomotywownia Przypis
80 2017 Railways of the USA MARC
81 2017 Railways of the USA MARC
82 2017 Railways of the USA MARC
83 2018 Railways of the USA MARC
84 2018 Railways of the USA MARC
85 2018 Railways of the USA MARC
86 2018 Railways of the USA MARC
87 2018 Railways of the USA MARC
1400 02148671-028 2016 Railways of the USA WDTX
1401 02148671-029 2016 Railways of the USA WDTX
1402 02148671-030 2016 2018 Railways of the USA WDTX сильно поврежден 18.12. 2017 года
1403 02148671-031 2016 Railways of the USA WDTX
1404 02148671-032 2016 Railways of the USA WDTX
1405 02148671-033 2016 Railways of the USA WDTX
1406 02148671-034 2016 Railways of the USA WDTX
1407 02148671-035 2016 Railways of the USA WDTX
1408 02148671-036 2016 Railways of the USA WDTX
2101 02148671-012 2016 Railways of the USA CDTX
2102 02148671-013 2016 Railways of the USA CDTX
2103 02148671-014 2016 Railways of the USA CDTX
2104 02148671-015 2016 Railways of the USA CDTX
2105 02148671-016 2016 Railways of the USA CDTX
2106 02148671-017 2016 Railways of the USA CDTX
2107 02148671-018 2016 Railways of the USA CDTX
2108 Railways of the USA CDTX
2109 Railways of the USA CDTX
2110 Railways of the USA CDTX
2111 Railways of the USA CDTX
2112 Railways of the USA CDTX
2113 Railways of the USA CDTX
2114 Railways of the USA CDTX
2115 Railways of the USA CDTX
2116 Railways of the USA CDTX
2117 Railways of the USA CDTX
2118 Railways of the USA CDTX
2119 Railways of the USA CDTX
2120 Railways of the USA CDTX
2121 Railways of the USA CDTX
2122 Railways of the USA CDTX
2123 Railways of the USA CDTX
2124 Railways of the USA CDTX
3110 03.2020 Railways of the USA ACEХ
3111 03.2020 Railways of the USA ACEХ
3112 03.2020 Railways of the USA ACEХ
3114 Railways of the USA ACEХ
3115 Railways of the USA ACEХ
4601 02148671-001 2016 Railways of the USA IDOT
4602 02148671-002 2016 Railways of the USA IDOT
4603 02148671-003 2016 Railways of the USA IDOT
4604 02148671-004 2016 Railways of the USA IDOT
4605 02148671-005 2016 Railways of the USA IDOT
4606 02148671-006 2016 Railways of the USA IDOT
4607 02148671-007 2016 Railways of the USA IDOT
4608 02148671-008 2016 Railways of the USA IDOT
4609 02148671-009 2016 Railways of the USA IDOT
4610 02148671-010 2016 Railways of the USA IDOT
4611 02148671-011 2016 Railways of the USA IDOT
4612 02148671-036 2017 Railways of the USA IDOT
4613 02148671-037 2017 Railways of the USA IDOT
4614 02148671-038 2017 Railways of the USA IDOT
4615 02148671-039 2017 Railways of the USA IDOT
4616 02148671-040 2017 Railways of the USA IDOT
4617 02148671-041 2017 Railways of the USA IDOT
4618 02148671-042 2017 Railways of the USA IDOT
4619 02148671-043 2017 Railways of the USA IDOT
4620 02148671-044 2017 Railways of the USA IDOT
4621 02148671-045 2017 Railways of the USA IDOT
4622 02148671-046 2017 Railways of the USA IDOT
4623 02148671-047 2017 Railways of the USA IDOT
4624 02148671-048 2017 Railways of the USA IDOT
4625 02148671-049 2017 Railways of the USA IDOT
4626 02148671-050 2017 Railways of the USA IDOT
4627 02148671-051 2017 Railways of the USA IDOT
4628 02148671-052 2017 Railways of the USA IDOT
4629 02148671-053 2017 Railways of the USA IDOT
4630 02148671-054 2017 Railways of the USA IDOT
4631 02148671-055 2017 Railways of the USA IDOT
4632 02148671-056 2017 Railways of the USA IDOT
4633 02148671-057 2017 Railways of the USA IDOT
5001 2020 Railways of the USA NCTC
5002 2020 Railways of the USA NCTC
5003 2020 Railways of the USA NCTC
5004 2020 Railways of the USA NCTC
5005 2020 Railways of the USA NCTC
5006 2020 Railways of the USA NCTC
5007 2020 Railways of the USA NCTC
5008 2020 Railways of the USA NCTC
5009 2020 Railways of the USA NCTC

Pokazano wpisów: 88 z 88

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Obecna lokalizacja i stan są nieznane
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Przeniesiono do innego okręgu kolejowego/spółki (lub fabryki)
Pomnik / Eksponat muzealny / Sprzęt do ćwiczeń


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