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12 units (3 cars) built by TÜVASAŞ under license of Rotem in Turkey. The first unit was formaly handed over to TCDD in April 2011. 12 units (4 cars) will complete end of the year 2013. Totally 24 set, 84 cars. Each set is fully motorized in the following configuration: DM+M+DM for 3 car sets, DM+M+M+DM for 4 car sets. This is the 3 sets version of the DM15000

Engine: 750HP (Cummins QSK 19R)
Transmission: 650kw (Voith T312bre)

Max speed: 140 km/h
Steel body
Doors: Plug-in doors
Air Conditioner: 16,700 kcal/h/set
Brake: Knorr pneumatic braking
Bogie: Blosterless Bogie, Out-board type
Doors: slidig plug type

Car length: 26,400 m
Car width: 2,825 m
Car height: 4,050 m

Train set length: 80,1 m

Seats: 198 places, mostly in 2+2 configuration
2 wheel chair places

<a href=http://www.trainsofturkey.com/w/pmwiki.p...0</a&gt;
12 units (3 cars) built by TÜVASAŞ under license of Rotem in Turkey. The first unit was formaly handed over to TCDD in April 2011. 12 units (4 cars) will complete end of the year 2013. Totally 24 set, 84 cars. Each set is fully motorized in the following configuration: DM+M+DM for 3 car sets, DM+M+M+DM for 4 car sets. This is the 3 sets version of the DM1500Pročitaj više...

Razvrstati s obzirom na:  Brojčanu oznaku  ·  Serijski broj  ·  Godinu proizvodnje  ·  Datum otpisa

Brojčana oznaka Godina proizvodnje Vlasnik Depo
MT30001 2011 The State Railways of the Turk İzmir Basmane
MT30002 The State Railways of the Turk İzmir Basmane
MT30003 The State Railways of the Turk Other
MT30004 TCDD Taşımacılık TASIMACILIK
MT30005 The State Railways of the Turk Konya
MT30006 The State Railways of the Turk Adana
MT30007 The State Railways of the Turk Other
MT30008 The State Railways of the Turk İzmir Basmane
MT30009 The State Railways of the Turk İzmir Basmane
MT30010 The State Railways of the Turk Adana
MT30011 The State Railways of the Turk Adana
MT30012 The State Railways of the Turk Other
MT30013 The State Railways of the Turk Other
MT30014 The State Railways of the Turk İzmir Basmane
MT30015 The State Railways of the Turk İzmir Basmane
MT30016 The State Railways of the Turk Adana
MT30017 The State Railways of the Turk Adana
MT30018 The State Railways of the Turk Adana
MT30019 The State Railways of the Turk Adana
MT30020 The State Railways of the Turk İzmir Basmane
MT30021 The State Railways of the Turk Adana
MT30022 The State Railways of the Turk Other
MT30023 The State Railways of the Turk İzmir Basmane
MT30024 The State Railways of the Turk Other

Prikazano zapisa: 24 of 24

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