Popis vozila

Comet V Alstom

Razvrstati s obzirom na:  Brojčanu oznaku  ·  Serijski broj  ·  Godinu proizvodnje  ·  Datum otpisa

Brojčana oznaka Godina proizvodnje Vlasnik Depo Napomena
6044 2003 Railways of the USA NJT
6509 2003 Railways of the USA NJT
6068 2004 Railways of the USA NJT
6064 2005 Railways of the USA NJT
6001 Railways of the USA NJT
6003 Railways of the USA NJT
6004 Railways of the USA NJT
6013 Railways of the USA NJT
6017 Railways of the USA NJT
6018 Railways of the USA NJT
6024 Railways of the USA NJT
6026 Railways of the USA NJT Пассажирский вагон с кабиной управления
6029 Railways of the USA NJT
6036 Railways of the USA NJT
6037 Railways of the USA NJT
6039 Railways of the USA NJT
6043 Railways of the USA NJT
6057 Railways of the USA NJT
6062 Railways of the USA NJT Пассажирский вагон с кабиной управления
6067 Railways of the USA NJT
6070 Railways of the USA NJT
6078 Railways of the USA NJT
6081 Railways of the USA NJT
6208 Railways of the USA NJT
6586 Railways of the USA NJT

Prikazano zapisa: 25 of 25

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