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Razvrstati s obzirom na:  Brojčanu oznaku  ·  Serijski broj  ·  Godinu proizvodnje  ·  Datum otpisa

Brojčana oznaka Tvornički broj Godina proizvodnje Vlasnik Depo
5523 54946 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5522 54947 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5521 54948 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5520 54949 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5519 54950 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5518 54951 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5517 54952 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5516 54953 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5515 54954 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5514 54955 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5513 54956 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5512 54957 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5511 54958 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5510 54959 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5509 54960 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5508 54961 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5507 54962 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5506 54963 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5505 54964 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5504 54965 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5503 54966 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5502 54967 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5501 54968 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5500 54969 2004 Railways of the USA BNSF
5431 522992 2000 Railways of the USA BNSF
5430 522993 2000 Railways of the USA BNSF

Prikazano zapisa: 26 of 1526


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