Popis vozila


Razvrstati s obzirom na:  Brojčanu oznaku  ·  Serijski broj  ·  Godinu proizvodnje  ·  Datum otpisa

Brojčana oznaka Tvornički broj Godina proizvodnje Vlasnik Depo Napomena
5045 847008-46 12.1984 Railways of the USA UP SD50
6795 49242 1990 Railways of the USA UP
6373 48637 06.1995 Railways of the USA UP
6354 48723 07.1995 Railways of the USA UP
8011 48840 09.1995 Canadian National Railway CP
6408 48778 10.1995 Railways of the USA UP
6769 49216 1996 Railways of the USA UP
6813 49260 1996 Railways of the USA UP
6744 49191 03.1996 Railways of the USA UP
6760 49207 04.1996 Railways of the USA UP
6638 49876 06.1997 Railways of the USA UP
9638 11.1997 Canadian National Railway CP
8529 03.1998 Canadian National Railway CP
4519 50595 05.1998 Railways of the USA KCS
4613 52086 12.1999 Railways of the USA KCS
6527 52125 02.2000 Railways of the USA UP
5723 53127 2001 Railways of the USA UP
9820 55090 05.2004 Canadian National Railway CP
1044 55443 10.2004 Railways of the USA CEFX
1049 55448 10.2004 Railways of the USA CEFX
1050 55449 11.2004 Railways of the USA CEFX
1052 55451 11.2004 Railways of the USA CEFX
8037 Canadian National Railway CP
5610 Railways of the USA UP
5614 55207 Railways of the USA UP
5694 Railways of the USA UP
5723 53127 Railways of the USA UP
5745 53108 Railways of the USA UP
5800 53567 Railways of the USA UP
6483 52529 Railways of the USA UP
6484 52528 Railways of the USA UP
6526 52126 Railways of the USA UP
6874 48961 Railways of the USA UP
7118 51042 Railways of the USA UP
7133 51057 Railways of the USA UP
7200 51506 Railways of the USA UP
7225 51531 Railways of the USA UP
7241 51547 Railways of the USA UP
7277 51588 Railways of the USA UP

Prikazano zapisa: 39 of 39

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