Popis vozila


Razvrstati s obzirom na:  Brojčanu oznaku  ·  Serijski broj  ·  Godinu proizvodnje  ·  Datum otpisa

Brojčana oznaka Tvornički broj Godina proizvodnje Vlasnik Depo
4200 34647 1968 Railways of the USA NJT
4201 33217 1967 Railways of the USA NJT
4202 30943 1965 Railways of the USA NJT
4203 34663 11.1968 Railways of the USA NJT
4204 35046 1969 Railways of the USA NJT
4205 35047 1969 Railways of the USA NJT
4206 34661 11.1968 Railways of the USA NJT
4207 30942 1965 Railways of the USA NJT
4208 34632 1968 Railways of the USA NJT
4209 34664 11.1968 Railways of the USA NJT
4210 34623 1968 Railways of the USA NJT
4211 34633 1968 Railways of the USA NJT
4212 35057 1969 Railways of the USA NJT
4213 35059 1969 Railways of the USA NJT
4214 35049 1969 Railways of the USA NJT
4215 30946 1965 Railways of the USA NJT
4216 34645 1968 Railways of the USA NJT
4217 34659 1968 Railways of the USA NJT
4218 34640 10.1968 Railways of the USA NJT
4219 33465 1967 Railways of the USA NJT

Prikazano zapisa: 20 of 20

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