Lista pojazdów

RM3000 (VT 98)

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Nr. fabryczny Wyprodukowano Okręg kolejowy Lokomotywownia
Rm3001 66593 1960 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3002 145121 1960 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3003 66541 1959 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3004 66604 1960 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3005 66546 1959 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3006 66566 1960 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3007 66576 1960 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3008 1294 1960 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3009 1305 1960 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3010 1372 1960 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3011 66578 1960 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3012 1373 1960 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3013 66588 1960 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3014 1304 1960 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3015 1310 1960 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3016 146583 1961 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3017 66548 1959 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3018 66572 1960 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3019 1296 1960 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3020 1299 1960 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3021 66553 1959 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3022 66596 1960 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3023 66549 1959 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3024 66550 1959 The State Railways of the Turk Other
Rm3025 1364 1960 The State Railways of the Turk Other

Pokazano wpisów: 25 z 25

Kolorowe kodowanie

Nowy (nie był w regularnej eksploatacji)
Obecna lokalizacja i stan są nieznane
Został przeniesiony do innej lokomotywowni
Przeniesiono do innego okręgu kolejowego/spółki (lub fabryki)
Pomnik / Eksponat muzealny / Sprzęt do ćwiczeń


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