Lista pojazdów

X 2800

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Wyprodukowano Left/written off Okręg kolejowy Lokomotywownia
X 2801 1957 13.12.2004 National Company of the French Railways Limoges
X 2802 1957 01.06.2006 National Company of the French Railways Dijon-Perrigny
X 2803 1957 01.04.1998 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2804 1957 03.07.2007 National Company of the French Railways Limoges
X 2805 1957 01.04.2001 National Company of the French Railways Limoges
X 2806 1957 01.08.2002 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2807 1957 02.04.2008 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2816 1958 23.05.2008 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2817 1958 06.11.2007 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2818 1958 01.12.1998 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2819 1958 12.12.2007 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2820 1958 21.06.1999 National Company of the French Railways Limoges
X 2821 1958 16.09.1985 National Company of the French Railways Toulouse
X 2822 1958 12.2002 National Company of the French Railways Limoges
X 2823 1958 04.2006 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2824 1958 12.1999 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2825 1958 12.12.2007 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2826 1958 01.12.1998 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2827 1958 14.09.2010 National Company of the French Railways Dijon-Perrigny
X 2828 1958 10.08.2004 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2829 1958 01.10.2002 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2830 1958 19.06.2009 National Company of the French Railways Dijon-Perrigny
X 2831 1958 01.1999 National Company of the French Railways Toulouse
X 2841 1959 30.06.1992 National Company of the French Railways Toulouse
X 2842 1959 31.12.1999 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2843 1959 28.11.2007 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2844 1959 29.12.2007 National Company of the French Railways Limoges
X 2845 1959 01.09.2000 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2846 1959 01.08.2002 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2847 1959 01.06.2002 National Company of the French Railways Limoges
X 2852 1960 12.2007 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2856 1960 04.12.2006 National Company of the French Railways Limoges
X 2863 1960 12.12.2007 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2864 1960 01.12.1998 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2865 1960 25.12.1998 National Company of the French Railways Limoges
X 2866 1960 23.07.2008 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2875 1960 24.05.2002 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2882 1961 02.04.1997 National Company of the French Railways Limoges
X 2883 1961 24.07.2007 National Company of the French Railways Limoges
X 2891 1961 12.1998 National Company of the French Railways Toulouse
X 2895 1961 23.07.2008 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2900 1961 08.07.2009 National Company of the French Railways Dijon-Perrigny
X 2901 1961 01.12.1999 National Company of the French Railways Limoges
X 2902 1961 06.11.2007 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2903 1961 13.12.2007 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise
X 2907 1962 29.12.2007 National Company of the French Railways Limoges
X 2908 1962 03.04.2007 National Company of the French Railways Limoges
X 2913 1962 12.12.2007 National Company of the French Railways Limoges
X 2914 1962 26.12.2007 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vaise

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