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Nr. fabryczny Wyprodukowano Okręg kolejowy Lokomotywownia
3903 998109-4 1999 Railways of the USA CPKC
3905 998109-6 1999 Railways of the USA CPKC
3910 998109-11 1999 Railways of the USA CPKC
3911 998109-12 1999 Railways of the USA CPKC
3912 998109-13 1999 Railways of the USA CPKC
3918 998109-19 1999 Railways of the USA CPKC
3919 998109-20 1999 Railways of the USA CPKC
3925 998109-26 1999 Railways of the USA CPKC
3926 998109-27 1999 Railways of the USA CPKC
3927 998109-28 1999 Railways of the USA CPKC
3928 998109-29 1999 Railways of the USA CPKC
3929 998109-30 1999 Railways of the USA CPKC
3933 998109-34 1999 Railways of the USA CPKC
3937 998109-38 1999 Railways of the USA CPKC
3940 998109-41 1999 Railways of the USA CPKC
3942 998109-43 1999 Railways of the USA CPKC
3943 998109-44 1999 Railways of the USA CPKC
3948 998109-49 1999 Railways of the USA CPKC
3968 998109-69 2000 Railways of the USA CPKC
3971 998109-72 2000 Railways of the USA CPKC
3973 998109-74 2000 Railways of the USA CPKC
3974 976814-173 1999 Railways of the USA CPKC

Pokazano wpisów: 22 z 22

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Przeniesiono do innego okręgu kolejowego/spółki (lub fabryki)
Pomnik / Eksponat muzealny / Sprzęt do ćwiczeń


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