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Nr. fabryczny Wyprodukowano Okręg kolejowy Lokomotywownia
2100 847028-1 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2156 847028-2 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2157 847028-3 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2159 847028-5 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2160 847028-6 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2161 847028-7 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2162 847028-18 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2163 847028-9 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2164 847028-10 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2165 847028-11 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2166 847028-12 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2168 847028-35 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2171 847028-20 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2174 847028-19 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2175 847028-21 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2176 847028-22 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2177 847028-24 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2181 847028-26 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2182 847028-28 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2185 847028-33 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2186 847028-32 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2188 847028-34 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2191 847028-37 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2192 847028-38 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2194 847028-40 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2195 847028-41 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2199 847028-45 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2200 847028-46 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2201 847028-47 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2202 847028-49 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2203 847028-48 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2209 847028-60 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2211 847028-57 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2214 847028-59 1986 Railways of the USA UP
2218 876030-12 1988 Railways of the USA UP
2219 876030-5 1988 Railways of the USA UP
2220 876030-6 1988 Railways of the USA UP
2221 876030-17 1988 Railways of the USA UP
2224 876030-9 1988 Railways of the USA UP
2226 876030-4 1988 Railways of the USA UP
2227 876030-13 1988 Railways of the USA UP
2228 876030-14 1988 Railways of the USA UP
2230 876030-19 1988 Railways of the USA UP
2231 876030-7 1988 Railways of the USA UP
2232 876030-22 1988 Railways of the USA UP
6026 847028-27 04.1986 Railways of the USA WAMX
6693 897056-18 12.1990 Railways of the USA NS
6698 907147-2 05.1991 Railways of the USA NS

Pokazano wpisów: 48 z 48

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