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Nr. fabryczny Wyprodukowano Left/written off Okręg kolejowy Lokomotywownia
E 52501 1971 The State Railways of the Turk Other
E 52502 1976 The State Railways of the Turk Other
E 52503 65211 1968 The State Railways of the Turk Other
E 52504 1985 2009 The State Railways of the Turk Other
E 52505 1985 The State Railways of the Turk Other
E 52506 1985 2005 The State Railways of the Turk Other
E 52507 1971 The State Railways of the Turk Other
E 52508 1972 The State Railways of the Turk Other
E 52509 65214 1968 The State Railways of the Turk Other
E 52510 65231 1968 The State Railways of the Turk Other
E 52511 65180 1967 The State Railways of the Turk Other
E 52512 65185 1967 The State Railways of the Turk Other
E 52513 65186 1967 The State Railways of the Turk Other
E 52514 1971 The State Railways of the Turk Other
E 52515 1971 The State Railways of the Turk Other
E 52516 1971 The State Railways of the Turk Other
E 52517 1972 The State Railways of the Turk Other
E 52518 1977 The State Railways of the Turk Other
E 52519 65191 1967 The State Railways of the Turk Other
E 52520 65223 1968 The State Railways of the Turk Other
E 52521 65229 1968 The State Railways of the Turk Other
E 52522 1970 The State Railways of the Turk Other

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