Lista pojazdów

BB 25500

Двухсистемный электровоз (~25 кВ 50 Гц и =1,5 кВ). С 1964 по 1976 год построено 194 локомотива

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Nr.ID Wyprodukowano Left/written off Okręg kolejowy Lokomotywownia
425 572-1 91 53 0 425572-1 Rumunia, inni przewoźnicy RC
425 576-2 91 53 0 425576-2 1971 Rumunia, inni przewoźnicy RC
BB 25501 1964 24.12.2004 National Company of the French Railways SBF
BB 25502 1964 01.05.2004 National Company of the French Railways Achères
BB 25503 1964 24.12.2004 National Company of the French Railways Achères
BB 25504 1964 26.05.2003 National Company of the French Railways Tours St. P
BB 25505 1964 24.12.2004 National Company of the French Railways Achères
BB 25506 1964 24.12.2004 National Company of the French Railways Achères
BB 25507 1964 Rumunia, inni przewoźnicy RC
BB 25512 1964 25.03.2003 National Company of the French Railways Achères
BB 25517 91 53 0 425517-6 1964 Rumunia, inni przewoźnicy RC
BB 25518 1964 Rumunia, inni przewoźnicy RC
BB 25519 1964 21.11.2005 National Company of the French Railways Achères
BB 25520 1964 24.12.2004 National Company of the French Railways SNP
BB 25523 91 53 0 425523-4 1964 Rumunia, inni przewoźnicy RC
BB 25524 1964 Rumunia, inni przewoźnicy RC
BB 25525 1964 01.10.2004 National Company of the French Railways Achères
BB 25528 91 53 0 425528-3 1965 Rumunia, inni przewoźnicy RC
BB 25532 1965 01.05.2004 National Company of the French Railways Achères
BB 25536 91 53 0 425536-6 1965 Rumunia, inni przewoźnicy RC
BB 25544 1965 Rumunia, inni przewoźnicy RC
BB 25548 1966 10.08.2004 National Company of the French Railways Rennes
BB 25555 1967 01.12.2008 National Company of the French Railways Lyon-Vénissieux
BB 25563 1969 10.08.2004 National Company of the French Railways Achères
BB 25570 91 53 0425 570-5 1971 Rumunia, inni przewoźnicy RC
BB 25571 1971 14.01.2008 National Company of the French Railways Montrouge
BB 25572 1971 Rumunia, inni przewoźnicy RC
BB 25576 1971 2006 National Company of the French Railways Achères
BB 25580 1971 10.08.2004 National Company of the French Railways Achères
BB 25581 91 53 0 425581-2 1972 Rumunia, inni przewoźnicy RC
BB 25588 1972 16.12.2016 National Company of the French Railways STF Alsace
BB 25595 1973 24.11.2017 National Company of the French Railways SBR
BB 25602 1973 13.08.2020 National Company of the French Railways STF Alsace
BB 25609 1974 16.05.2014 National Company of the French Railways SNU
BB 25610 1974 04.11.2010 National Company of the French Railways Achères
BB 25611 1974 15.06.2010 National Company of the French Railways Montrouge
BB 25612 1974 16.12.2016 National Company of the French Railways STF Alsace
BB 25613 1974 14.12.2020 National Company of the French Railways STF Alsace
BB 25614 1974 26.11.2013 National Company of the French Railways STF PACA
BB 25622 1974 10.12.2015 National Company of the French Railways SBF
BB 25630 1975 10.12.2014 National Company of the French Railways SNP
BB 25635 1975 01.12.2013 National Company of the French Railways STF PACA
BB 25640 1975 25.11.2013 National Company of the French Railways STF Alsace
BB 25646 1975 20.05.2016 National Company of the French Railways STF PACA
BB 25652 1975 28.11.2012 National Company of the French Railways STF PACA
BB 25659 1975 27.11.2012 National Company of the French Railways STF PACA
BB 25666 1975 05.11.2013 National Company of the French Railways SNP
BB 25673 1975 13.01.2021 National Company of the French Railways STF Alsace
BB 25680 1975 16.12.2011 National Company of the French Railways SNP
BB 25681 1975 11.12.2017 National Company of the French Railways SBR
BB 25682 1975 10.12.2015 National Company of the French Railways SBF
BB 25683 1975 14.03.2016 National Company of the French Railways SBF
BB 25684 1975 14.03.2016 National Company of the French Railways SBF
BB 25685 1975 14.09.2016 National Company of the French Railways SBF
BB 25686 1975 27.04.2016 National Company of the French Railways SBF
BB 25687 1975 28.12.2001 National Company of the French Railways Dijon-Perrigny
BB 25688 1975 26.04.2016 National Company of the French Railways SBF
BB 25689 1975 22.12.2017 National Company of the French Railways SBR
BB 25690 1975 07.03.2018 National Company of the French Railways SBR
BB 25691 1975 26.01.2015 National Company of the French Railways SBR
BB 25692 1975 14.10.2015 National Company of the French Railways SBR
BB 25693 1975 19.12.2012 National Company of the French Railways STF PACA
BB 25694 1975 15.12.2012 National Company of the French Railways SBR

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