Lista pojazdów


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Nr. fabryczny Wyprodukowano Okręg kolejowy Lokomotywownia
2155 847028-4 04.1986 Railways of the USA UP
2160 847028-6 04.1986 Railways of the USA UP
2162 847028-18 04.1986 Railways of the USA UP
2241 886010-3 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2243 886010-4 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2246 886010-13 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2248 886010-9 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2251 886010-10 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2252 886010-12 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2253 886010-14 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2258 886010-19 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2261 886061-1 1990 Railways of the USA UP
2263 886010-24 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2265 886015-4 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2266 886015-2 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2267 886015-3 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2268 886015-1 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2271 886015-7 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2272 886015-8 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2274 886015-10 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2275 886015-11 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2278 886015-14 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2279 886015-15 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2282 886015-18 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2283 886015-19 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2284 886015-20 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2285 886015-21 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2287 886015-23 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2288 886015-24 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2289 886015-25 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2290 886015-26 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2292 886015-28 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2293 886015-29 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2294 886015-30 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2295 886015-31 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2298 886015-35 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2301 886015-37 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2303 886015-39 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2304 886023-36 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2305 886015-41 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2306 886015-42 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2307 886015-45 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2308 886015-44 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2309 886015-43 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2311 886015-41 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2313 886015-49 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2314 886023-19 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2315 886023-1 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2317 886023-3 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2318 886023-8 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2319 886061-19 1990 Railways of the USA UP
2320 886023-4 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2323 886023-9 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2325 886023-11 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2327 886023-13 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2329 886023-15 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2330 886023-16 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2331 886023-14 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2332 886023-20 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2337 886023-25 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2338 886023-18 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2339 886023-23 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2340 886023-26 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2342 886023-37 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2343 886023-30 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2344 886023-29 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2346 886023-32 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2348 886023-31 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2349 886023-47 07.1989 Railways of the USA UP
2351 886023-28 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2352 886023-38 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2353 886023-39 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2358 886023-44 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2359 886023-43 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2360 886023-48 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2361 886061-32 1990 Railways of the USA UP
2365 886036-1 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2366 886036-2 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2367 886036-3 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2374 886061-4 1990 Railways of the USA UP
2375 886061-5 1990 Railways of the USA UP
2377 886061-7 1990 Railways of the USA UP
2382 886061-14 1990 Railways of the USA UP
2383 886061-17 1990 Railways of the USA UP
2385 886061-15 1990 Railways of the USA UP
2386 886061-16 1990 Railways of the USA UP
2387 886061-12 1990 Railways of the USA UP
2389 886061-21 1990 Railways of the USA UP
2393 886010-22 1989 Railways of the USA UP
2396 886061-26 1990 Railways of the USA UP
2399 886061-30 1990 Railways of the USA UP
2403 886061-28 1990 Railways of the USA UP
2404 886061-31 1990 Railways of the USA UP
2408 886061-38 1990 Railways of the USA UP
2412 886061-41 11.1990 Railways of the USA UP
2413 886061-43 1990 Railways of the USA UP
2414 886061-20 1990 Railways of the USA UP
2416 906100-2 1991 Railways of the USA UP
2420 886061-51 1990 Railways of the USA UP
2421 886061-51 11.1990 Railways of the USA UP
2423 896050-1 1990 Railways of the USA UP
2429 906100-6 1991 Railways of the USA UP
2432 906100-9 1991 Railways of the USA UP
2434 906100-10 1991 Railways of the USA UP
2435 906100-12 1991 Railways of the USA UP
2439 906100-16 1991 Railways of the USA UP
2441 906100-18 1991 Railways of the USA UP
2447 906100-24 1991 Railways of the USA UP
2449 906100-26 1991 Railways of the USA UP
2456 906100-33 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2459 906100-36 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2460 906100-37 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2465 906100-42 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2468 906100-45 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2475 926302-2 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2478 926302-8 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2480 926302-10 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2481 926302-11 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2484 926302-14 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2486 42726 01.1980 Railways of the USA UP
2487 926302-17 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2491 926302-21 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2492 926302-22 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2498 926302-29 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2499 926302-28 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2500 926302-27 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2501 926302-31 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2502 926302-32 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2505 926302-35 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2507 926302-34 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2513 926302-43 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2515 926302-45 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2517 926302-41 1992 Railways of the USA UP
2519 926302-49 1992 Railways of the USA UP
6028 886061-25 10.1990 Railways of the USA WSOR
6031 847028-32 04.1986 Railways of the USA WAMX
6768 916246-11 01.1993 Railways of the USA NS
8756 916246-1 1992 Railways of the USA CSXT
8757 916246-3 1992 Railways of the USA CSXT
8758 916246-6 1992 Railways of the USA CSXT
8763 916246-17 1992 Railways of the USA CSXT
8766 916246-25 1993 Railways of the USA CSXT
8767 916246-26 1993 Railways of the USA CSXT
8768 916246-29 1993 Railways of the USA CSXT

Pokazano wpisów: 144 z 144

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