Popis vozila


Razvrstati s obzirom na:  Brojčanu oznaku  ·  Serijski broj  ·  Godinu proizvodnje  ·  Datum otpisa

Brojčana oznaka Godina proizvodnje Vlasnik Depo
MT5701 1993 The State Railways of the Turk Other
MT5702 1993 The State Railways of the Turk Other
MT5703 1993 The State Railways of the Turk Other
MT5704 1993 The State Railways of the Turk Other
MT5705 1993 The State Railways of the Turk Other
MT5706 1993 The State Railways of the Turk Other
MT5707 1993 The State Railways of the Turk Other
MT5708 1993 The State Railways of the Turk İzmir Basmane
MT5709 1993 The State Railways of the Turk İzmir Basmane
MT5710 1993 The State Railways of the Turk Other
MT5711 1993 The State Railways of the Turk Other
MT5712 1993 The State Railways of the Turk Other
MT5713 1993 The State Railways of the Turk İzmir Basmane
MT5714 1993 The State Railways of the Turk İzmir Basmane
MT5715 1993 The State Railways of the Turk İzmir Basmane
MT5716 1993 The State Railways of the Turk Kars
MT5717 1993 The State Railways of the Turk Other
MT5718 1993 The State Railways of the Turk Other
MT5719 1993 The State Railways of the Turk Other
MT5720 1993 The State Railways of the Turk İzmir Basmane
MT5721 1993 The State Railways of the Turk Kars
MT5722 1993 The State Railways of the Turk Kars
MT5723 1993 The State Railways of the Turk Other
MT5724 1993 The State Railways of the Turk İzmir Basmane
MT5725 1993 The State Railways of the Turk İzmir Basmane
MT5726 1993 The State Railways of the Turk Konya
MT5727 1993 The State Railways of the Turk İzmir Basmane
MT5728 1993 The State Railways of the Turk Denizli
MT5729 1993 The State Railways of the Turk Konya
MT5730 1993 The State Railways of the Turk Konya

Prikazano zapisa: 30 of 30

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