List of the vehicles

V100 (LEW)

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Serial type Works number ID number Built Left/written off Railway Depot Note
Alstätte II V 100.1 16372 1977 03.2009 Germany, private carriers Other AAE Ahaus Alstätter Eisenbahn GmbH · "Red Bull"
V100-SP-006 V 100.1 12849 92 84 2203 006-6 NL-SPS 1971 07.2013 Netherlands private carriers Other SPITZKE Spoorbouw B.V. · "Marieke"
V100-BUG-03 V 100.1 13559 92 80 1202 520-3 D-BUG 03.1973 05.2021 Germany, private carriers Other BUG Vermietungsgesellschaft mbH, Hoppegarten
V100.01 11455 1967 11.2007 Germany, private carriers PEG
V100.01 13524 05.1972 2011 Romania, other companies DBCR Logistic Center Romania S.r.l., Timisoara
V160.1 V 100.1 14081 92 80 1203 012-0 D-HVLE 02.1974 11.2013 Germany, private carriers HVLE ex 202 654-0
V203 01 V 100.1 13505 92 80 1202 466-9 D-EMN 04.1972 07.2009 Germany, private carriers Other EMN Eisenbahnbetriebe Mittlerer Neckar GmbH
845 001-2 13521 92 53 0845 001-2 RO-DBSR 05.1972 Romania, other companies DBCR
110 001-5 12403 92 80 1204 900-5 D-EBS 1969 Germany, private carriers EBS
201 002-3 12404 1969 12.1995 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Eisenach
V100.02 14399 1974 2011 Romania, other companies Other Logistic Center Romania S.r.l., Timisoara
V160.2 V 100.1 13905 92 80 1203 014-6 D-HVLE 09.1973 11.2013 Germany, private carriers HVLE
845 002-0 V 100.1 13923 92 53 0845 002-0 RO-DBSR 10.1973 06.2016 Romania, other companies DBCR ex 204 605-0
1001 002-7 11882 90 80 1001 002-7 D-MEG 1968 Germany, private carriers MEG #122
V100.03 14411 09.1974 2011 Romania, other companies Other Logistic Center Romania S.r.l., Timisoara
203-3 V 100.1 14840 92 84 2284 603-2 NL-VRR 04.1975 02.2016 Netherlands private carriers Volkerrail "Spike"[/i]
203 003 V 100.1 14433 92 80 1202 623-5 D-DLI 10.1974 2014 Germany, private carriers Other DIE-LEI GmbH · "Wilder Willy"
845 003-8 V 100.1 14372 92 53 0845 003-8 RO-DBSR 05.1974 06.2016 Romania, other companies DBCR ex 204 671-2
V100 003 9891 92 80 1201 003-1 D-DB 1965 Germany, Other DB Museum Förderverein Berlin-Anhaltische-Eisenbahn e.V.
1001 003-5 11886 90 80 1001 003-5 D-MEG 1968 Germany, private carriers MEG #123
201 004-9 11212 1966 03.1997 Germany, private carriers Other #13; Deponie-Wirtschaft und Umweltschutztechnik GmbH, Espenhain
201 004-9 11212 1966 03.2003 Germany, private carriers Other 11212; Lokpool Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Vermietungs KG, Kassel
201 004-9 11212 92 80 1201 004-9 D-MHG 1966 2017 Germany, private carriers Other #1; Magdeburger Hafen GmbH, Magdeburg
203.004 12854 1971 2006 Germany, private carriers ALS
845 004-6 V 100.1 15075 92 53 0845 004-6 RO-DBSR 06.1975 Romania, other companies DBCR ex 204 803-1
201 004-9 11212 92 80 1201 004-9 D-MHG 1966 Germany, private carriers Other #1; TRANSPORTWERK Magdeburger Hafen GmbH, Magdeburg
201 005-6 11213 1966 12.1994 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Wustermark
203.005 V 100.1 13500 04.1972 02.2007 Germany, private carriers ALS
203 005-4 V 100.1 13569 92 80 1203 006-2 D-ALS 04.1973 03.2010 Germany, private carriers ALS
V100.05 V 100.1 14361 05.1974 03.2005 Romania, other companies DBCR ex 204 660-5
204 005-3 12859 92 80 1203 350-4 D-PRESS 03.1971 Germany, private carriers PRESS ex 202 350-5
845 005-3 14424 92 53 0845 005-3 RO-DBSR 1974 Romania, other companies DBCR ex 204 723-1
201 006-4 11215 11.1994 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Lutherstadt
UWE 6 V 100.1 12493 01.1970 12.2004 Germany, private carriers Other Uwe Adam Transporte, Sättelstädt
203 006-2 V 100.1 13569 92 80 1203 006-2 D-FAEG 04.1973 2021 Germany, private carriers Other STAV GmbH, Falkenberg / Elster
845 006-1 V 100.1 13959 92 53 0845 006-1 RO-DBSR 01.1974 Romania, other companies DBCR
203 006-2 V 100.1 13569 92 80 1203 006-2 D-WWL 04.1973 Germany, private carriers Other Willke Logistics GmbH, Ludwigslust
201 007-2 11216 1966 02.1995 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Chemnitz
1001 007-6 V 100.1 11912 90 80 1001 007-6 D-ALS 1968 Germany, private carriers ALS
201 008-0 11217 1966 11.1994 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Lutherstadt
201 009-8 11218 1966 12.1994 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Hoyerswerda
UWE 9 V 100.1 13559 03.1973 2008 Germany, private carriers Other Uwe Adam Transporte · "Sebastian"
1001 009-2 V 100.1 12755 90 80 1001 009-2 D-ALS 08.1970 Germany, private carriers ALS ex 202 291-1
204 009-9 V 100.1 13478 98 80 3202 439-6 D-PRESS 1972 Germany, private carriers PRESS
110-10 12409 1969 09.2002 Germany, private carriers Other Lausitzer Braunkohle Aktiengesellschaft, Spremberg-Schwarze Pumpe (LAUBAG)
201 010-6 11219 1966 01.1994 DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) Lutherstadt Wittenberg
UWE 10 V 100.1 14444 11.1974 2008 Germany, private carriers Other Uwe Adam Transporte · "Anja"
UWE 11 V 100.1 13915 10.1973 2007 Germany, private carriers Other Uwe Adam Transporte · "Christina"
Lok 11 12504 98 80 3201 222-7 D-RAILS 02.1970 11.2008 Germany, private carriers Other Redler-Service, Inhaber Burghard Redler e.K., Oberweser
203 012-0 V 100.1 14081 92 80 1203 012-0 D-BRS 02.1974 Germany, private carriers STRABAG STRABAG Rail GmbH, Lauda Königshofen
VL 13 V 100.1 12882 92 80 1204 373-5 D-HWB 1971 02.2011 Germany, private carriers HWB
203 014-6 V 100.1 13905 92 80 1203 014-6 D-SRFL 09.1973 Germany, private carriers STRABAG
111 015-4 V100.4 17843 98 80 3298 315-3 D-DB 1982 1992 DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) Wittenberge
WAB 16 V 100.5 16756 07.1983 06.2007 Germany, private carriers WAB WAB Westfälische Almetalbahn GmbH, Altenbeken
201 020-5 11229 1967 12.1994 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Wustermark
UWE 20 V 100.1 13505 92 80 1202 466-9 D-BWESA 04.1972 04.2017 Germany, private carriers Other Uwe Adam EVU GmbH · "Gauner"
111 021-2 V 100.4 17710 98 80 3298 321-1 D-DB 1983 1992 DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) Falkenberg (Elster)
201 021-3 11230 1967 02.1994 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Dresden
293 022-0 V 100.4 16584 98 80 3293 022-0 D-MTEG 1981 Germany, private carriers MTEG
293 023-8 V 100.4 17849 98 80 3293 023-8 D-MTEG 1982 Germany, private carriers MTEG
201 024-7 11233 1967 11.1995 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Chemnitz
293 024-6 V 100.1 16383 98 80 3293 024-6 D-EIB 02.1978 Germany, private carriers Other Werklok 20; EB Erfurter Bahn GmbH · "Lisa 1"
110 025-4 11234 92 80 1201 025-4 D-DB 1967 Germany, Other Nürnberg Museum
201 026-2 11455 1967 05.1998 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Stralsund
201-26 12452 92 80 1201 171-6 D-MALOW 1969 2011 Germany, private carriers Other Stahlwerk Thüringen GmbH, Unterwellenborn
201 026-2 11455 1967 Germany, private carriers PEG #2; Netinera Werke GmbH, Neustrelitz
201-27 V 100.1 11908 05.1968 08.2006 Germany, private carriers Other SWT Stahlwerk Thüringen GmbH, Unterwellenborn
111 031-1 V 100.4 17720 04.1983 1992 DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) Falkenberg (Elster) 298 331-0
LCH 31 14424 1974 2009 Hungary, other companies LCH
201 032-0 11461 1967 11.1994 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Lutherstadt
LCH 32 13521 05.1972 2009 Hungary, other companies LCH
204 033-9 V 100.1 15089 92 80 1202 817-3 D-PRESS 07.1975 Germany, private carriers PRESS
293 034-5 V 100.4 17723 04.1983 06.1992 DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) Other
111 035-2 V 100.4 17724 98 80 3298 335-1 D-DB 05.1983 1992 DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) Altenburg
201 035-3 11772 1967 07.1995 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Stralsund
108 036-5 V 100.4 17725 1983 1992 DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) Halle (Saale) ex 111 036-0 · →298 336-9
201 036-1 11773 1967 11.1995 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Halle (Saale)
108 037-3 V 100.4 17726 98 80 3298 337-7 D-DB 1983 1992 DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) Halle (Saale) ex 111 037-8 · →298 337-7
201 037-9 11774 1967 10.1995 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Lutherstadt
201 041-1 11778 1967 02.1995 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Halle (Saale)
201 042-9 11779 1967 02.1994 DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) Glauchau
201 043-7 11780 1967 07.1995 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Neusterlitz
298 044-9 11882 1968 04.2012 Germany, private carriers ALS
298 047-2 11885 90 80 1001 005-0 D-ALS 1968 Germany, private carriers ALS
298 048-0 11886 98 80 3298 048-0 D-DB 1968 11.2010 DB Cargo Zwickau
298 050-6 11888 98 80 3298 050-6 D-SWT 1968 Germany, private carriers Other 298-30; Stahlwerk Thüringen GmbH, Unterwellenborn
298 051-4 11889 1968 Germany, private carriers ALS
203 052-7 14465 92 80 1203 165-6 D-PRESS 1975 Germany, private carriers PRESS
201 053-6 11891 1968 12.1995 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Eisenach
298 060-5 11898 1968 Germany, private carriers ALS
298 065-4 11903 1968 Bulgaria, other companies DBCBG
201 070-0 V 100.1 11908 05.1968 08.1996 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Weißenfels ex 110 070-0
201 070-0 V 100.1 11908 05.1968 06.2009 Germany, private carriers Other MTEG Muldental-Eisenbahnverkehrsgesellschaft mbH, Meerane
201 070-0 V 100.1 11908 98 80 3201 070-0 D-RAILS 05.1968 Germany, private carriers Other #18, Redler-Service e.K., Oberweser
201 073-4 11911 1968 11.1995 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Dresden
201 075-9 V 100.1 11913 05.1968 Germany, private carriers Other 75; Saar Rail GmbH, Völklingen · "Blue Cat"
298 079-5 11917 1968 05.2013 Germany, private carriers ALS
201 082-5 11920 1968 11.1995 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Weißenfels
298 088-6 11926 98 80 3298 088-6 D-MEG 1968 Germany, private carriers MEG MEG 113
201 090-8 11928 1968 11.1995 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Weißenfels
2000 090 9571 92 81 2000 090-8 A-WLC 2001 Austria private carriers WLC
298 091-0 11929 1968 04.2013 Germany, private carriers ALS
2000 091 8161 92 81 2000 091-6 A-WLC A-WLC 2001 Austria private carriers WLC
201 092-4 11930 1968 12.1994 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Berlin
2000 092 9581 92 81 2000 092-4 A-WLC 2001 Austria private carriers WLC
201 093-2 V 100.1 11931 1968 05.1995 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Chemnitz
201 093-2 V 100.1 11931 92 84 4201 093-2 NL-VEBBV 1968 Netherlands private carriers Other VEB Tractie B.V., Soesterberg
202 098-0 11936 98 80 3202 098-0 D-AHG 1968 Germany, private carriers Other 01; AHG Handel & Logistik GmbH & Co. KG, Groß Gaglow
V 100 093 V 100.1 11931 1968 06.1970 DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) Chemnitz 110 093-2
V 100 093 V 100.1 11931 1968 12.2008 Netherlands private carriers Other VSM Veluwsche Stoomtrein Maatschappij, Beekbergen
V 100 093 V 100.1 11931 1968 06.2018 Netherlands private carriers Other voestalpine Railpro B.V., Hilversum
298 100-9 11938 1968 2015 Germany, private carriers ALS
WR 101 V 100.1 12932 01.1972 2007 Germany, private carriers Other Wincanton Rail GmbH, St. Ingbert
201 101-3 11939 98 80 3201 101-3 D-WFL 1968 Germany, private carriers WFL #18
202 105-3 12406 1969 11.1996 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Halle (Saale)
110 108-8 12409 1969 06.1990 DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) Jerichow
110 108-8 12409 98 80 3201 110-4 D-HTB 1969 Germany, private carriers Other Hörseltalbahn GmbH, Eisenach
202 109-5 12410 1969 Germany, private carriers ALS
201 110-4 12409 98 80 3201 110-4 D-BUG 1969 07.2014 Germany, private carriers Other BUG Verkehrsbau AG, Berlin
201 110-4 12409 98 80 3201 110-4 D-HTB 1969 2015 Germany, private carriers Other Hörseltalbahn GmbH, Eisenach
203 114-4 12924 92 80 1203 114-4 D-WFL 1971 Germany, private carriers WFL
299 118-0 V 100.1 16385 03.1978 02.1993 DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) Other Wernigerode Westerntor 1000 мм
203 118-5 V 100.1 14357 92 80 1203 118-5 D-WFL 04.1974 Germany, private carriers WFL Lok 37
201 120-3 12421 1969 03.1995 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Berlin
201 123-7 12424 1969 11.1995 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Neusterlitz
203 124-3 14420 92 80 1203 124-3 D-LOCON 09.1974 Germany, private carriers LOCON
203 127-6 V 100.1 13563 92 80 1203 127-6 D-ALS 1973 Germany, private carriers ALS
LEUNA 131 V 100.4 16581 1981 2007 Germany, private carriers Other IL InfraLeuna GmbH, Leuna
201 133-6 1969 10.1995 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Lutherstadt
LEUNA 134 V 100.4 16677 07.1981 2007 Germany, private carriers Other IL InfraLeuna GmbH, Leuna
298 142-1 12443 1969 10.2004 DB Cargo Saalfeld
202 144-2 12445 1969 2019 Germany, private carriers ALS
201 149-2 12450 1969 02.1995 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Hoyerswerda
298 150-4 12451 1969 Germany, private carriers ALS
0001 151-0 V 100.1 12524 92 82 0001 151-0 L-ITB 06.1970 Germany, private carriers ITB
202 152-5 12453 1969 02.1998 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Chemnitz
0001 152-8 V 100.1 12939 92 82 0001 152-8 L-ITB 01.1972 Germany, private carriers ITB
298 155-3 12456 98 80 3298 155-3 D-DB 1969 08.2013 DB Cargo Seddin
203 158-1 V 100.1 14359 92 80 1203 158-1 D-SGL 04.1974 Germany, private carriers Other V180.13; KGH Knape Gruppe Holding GmbH, Kirchheim
202 162-4 12463 1969 02.1998 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Chemnitz
203 166-4 V 100.1 12921 92 80 1203 166-4 D-BRS 12.1971 Germany, private carriers STRABAG
201 171-6 12452 92 80 1201 171-6 D-MALOW 1969 1996 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Weißenfels
201 171-6 12452 92 80 1201 171-6 D-MALOW 1969 ???? Germany, private carriers Other
201 171-6 12452 92 80 1201 171-6 D-MALOW 1969 Germany, private carriers Other Thomas Speich Eisenbahndienstleistungen
201 211-0 V 100.1 12493 01.1970 07.2000 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Zwickau
201 211-0 V 100.1 12493 98 80 3201 211-0 D-DLFB 01.1970 Germany, private carriers Other Dampflokfreunde Berlin e. V., Berlin-Schöneweide
201 221-9 12503 1970 06.1995 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Stralsund
222 12504 02.1970 1999 Germany, private carriers KEG
201 222-7 12504 98 80 3201 222-7 D-BEF 02.1970 Germany, private carriers Other Berliner Eisenbahnfreunde e. V., Wandlitz
201 226-8 12508 1970 02.1994 DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) Zittau
201 228-4 12510 1970 Germany, Other DB Museum
202 236-6 12518 1970 2014 Germany, private carriers ALS
202 238-2 12520 1970 11.1996 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Halberstadt
202 240-8 V 100.1 12522 92 80 1202 240-8 D-BWESA 04.1970 07.2016 Germany, private carriers Other Uwe Adam EVU GmbH · "JUDY"
202 240-8 V 100.1 12522 92 80 1202 240-8 D-BUG 04.1970 Germany, private carriers Other V100-BUG-04; BUG Vermietungsgesellschaft mbH, Hoppegarten
202 241-6 12523 92 80 1202 241-6 D-BWESA 1970 2020 Germany, private carriers Other Uwe ADAM EVU GmbH, Eisenach
202 241-6 12523 992 80 1202 241-6 D-HTB 1970 2024 Germany, private carriers Other Hörseltalbahn GmbH, Eisenach
202 241-6 12523 92 80 1202 241-6 D-RBB 1970 Germany, private carriers Other Regiobahn Bitterfeld Berlin GmbH, Bitterfeld
202 242-4 V 100.1 12524 06.1970 08.2007 Germany, private carriers Other 03; ex 202 242-4 · NEG mbH, Trier
202 265-5 12547 1970 2007 Germany, private carriers Other DL 3; Verden-Walsroder Eisenbahn GmbH, Verden
202 268-9 12550 1970 2004 Germany, private carriers ALS
202 269-7 V 100.1 12551 92 80 1202 269-7 D-DME 08.1970 Germany, private carriers Other Gleiskraft GmbH
204 271-1 12553 92 80 1203 226-6 D-MTEG 1970 2018 Germany, private carriers MTEG
204 271-1 12553 92 80 1203 226-6 D-PRESS 1970 Germany, private carriers MTEG
202 286-0 12750 90 80 1001 010-0 D-ALS 1970 Germany, private carriers ALS 1001 010-0
202 291-1 V 100.1 12755 08.1970 11.2013 Germany, private carriers ALS mod→1001 009-2
202 293-7 12757 90 80 1001 011-8 D-ALS 1970 Germany, private carriers ALS 1001 011-8
202 299-4 12763 1970 Germany, private carriers Other #88; Fahrzeugwerk Brandenburg Manfred Villmann e. K., Brandenburg
203 301-7 14376 92 80 1203 301-7 D-DBMP 1974 2004 Germany, Other DB Netz DB Bahnbau Gruppe GmbH, Berlin
203 301-7 14376 92 80 1203 301-7 D-DBMP 1974 2024 Germany, Other DB Netz
203 301-7 14376 92 80 1203 301-7 D-DBMP 1974 Germany, Other DB Netz
202 303-4 12767 1970 2004 Germany, private carriers ALS
203 306-6 14453 92 80 1203 306-6 D-DBMP 1974 Germany, Other DB Netz
201 308-4 12772 1970 11.1994 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Other Güsten
202 310-9 V 100.1 12774 12.1970 08.2003 DB Regio Görlitz
203 310-8 12843 92 80 1203 310-8 D-DB 1971 2024 Germany, Other DB Netz Berlin
203 310-8 12843 92 80 1203 310-8 D-DBMP 1971 Germany, Other DB Netz DB InfraGO AG, Frankfurt
204 311-5 12795 92 80 1202 311-7 D-PRESS 1970 Germany, private carriers MTEG
202 312-5 12796 1970 Germany, private carriers ALS
298 315-3 V100.4 17843 98 80 3298 315-3 D-DB 1982 2016 DB Cargo Seddin
203 316-5 14373 92 80 1203 316-5 D-DB 05.1974 2024 Germany, Other DB Netz
203 316-5 14373 92 80 1203 316-5 D-DBMP 05.1974 Germany, Other DB Netz DB InfraGO AG
202 318-2 12827 92 80 1203 318-1 D-EGOO 1970 Germany, private carriers EGOO
298 321-1 V 100.4 17710 98 80 3298 321-1 D-DB 1983 DB Cargo Seddin
298 331-0 V 100.4 17720 98 80 3298 331-0 D-DB 04.1983 DB Cargo Seddin
202 334-5 12843 1971 2003 Germany, private carriers ALS
298 334-4 V 100.4 17723 98 80 3298 334-4 D-DB 04.1983 DB Cargo Seddin
298 335-1 V 100.4 17724 98 80 3298 335-1 D-DB 05.1983 12.2017 DB Cargo Seddin
298 336-9 V 100.4 17725 98 80 3298 336-9 D-DB 1983 DB Cargo Seddin ex 108 036-5
298 337-7 V 100.4 17726 98 80 3298 337-7 D-DB 1983 DB Cargo Seddin ex 108 037-3
202 340-6 V 100.1 12849 1971 03.2006 Germany, private carriers Other SFZ Schienenfahrzeugzentrum Stendal
202 340-6 V 100.1 12849 92 84 2203 006-6 NL-SLG 1971 Germany, private carriers Other V100-SP-006; SLG Spitzke Logistik GmbH, Großbeeren
202 345-5 12854 1971 08.2002 Germany, private carriers Other Schienenfahrzeugzentrum Stendal
202 350-5 12859 03.1971 08.2002 DB Regio Halberstadt ex 112 350-4
56 366 V 100.1 12875 98 52 1756 366-9 BG-DBCBG 1971 Bulgaria, other companies DBCBG ex 204 366-9
202 373-7 V 100.1 12882 1971 10.2006 Germany, private carriers Other TSD Transport-Schienen-Dienst GmbH, Burbach · 1
204 373-5 V 100.1 12882 92 80 1204 373-5 D-LOCON 1971 Germany, private carriers LOCON
202 397-6 12906 1971 08.1998 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Gera
56 399 V 100.1 12908 98 52 1756 399-0 BG-DBCBG 12.1971 Bulgaria, other companies DBCBG
202 412-3 V 100.1 12921 12.1971 08.2012 Germany, private carriers ALS
202 415-6 12924 1971 02.2005 Germany, private carriers ALS
202 423-0 V 100.1 12932 92 80 1202 423-0 D-WINR 01.1972 2006 Germany, private carriers ALS 101 · Wincanton Rail GmbH, St. Ingbert
202 423-0 V 100.1 12932 92 80 1202 423-0 D-WINR 01.1972 2012 Germany, private carriers Other Wincanton Rail GmbH, St. Ingbert
202 423-0 V 100.1 12932 92 80 1202 423-0 D-RRI 01.1972 Germany, private carriers Other Rhenus Rail St. Ingbert GmbH, St. Ingbert
201 424-9 12933 1972 02.1995 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Other Falkenberg (Elster)
204 425-3 12934 92 80 1203 220-9 D-PRESS 1972 Germany, private carriers PRESS
202 430-5 V 100.1 12939 01.1972 08.2008 DB Regio Görlitz ex 112 430-4
202 439-6 V 100.1 13478 1972 08.2004 Germany, private carriers Other Eisenbahn-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft im Bergisch-Märkischen Raum mbH, Gummersbach-Dieringhausen (EBM)
202 439-6 V 100.1 13478 1972 03.2005 Germany, private carriers Other Transport-Schienen-Dienst GmbH, Burbach (TSD)
202 439-6 V 100.1 13478 98 80 3202 439-6 D-SG 1972 09.2012 Germany, private carriers Other Nordic Rail Service GmbH, Lübeck
202 439-6 V 100.1 13478 98 80 3202 439-6 D-JW 1972 08.2014 Germany, private carriers Other Johann Walthelm GmbH, Eisenach
202 461-0 V 100.1 13500 04.1972 09.2002 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Schwerin
202 466-9 V 100.1 13505 04.1972 08.2005 Germany, private carriers boxXpress ex 202 466-9
202 466-9 V 100.1 13505 92 80 1202 466-9 D-SKLUS 04.1972 Germany, private carriers Other SKL Umschlagservice Magdeburg GmbH & Co. KG
204 482-4 13521 05.1972 09.2003 DB Cargo Dresden
204 482-4 13521 05.1972 2011 Romania, other companies Other Logistic Services Danubius S.r.l., Timisoara
204 485-7 13524 05.1972 2002 DB Cargo Dresden ex 114 485-6
56 485 13524 98 52 1756 485-7 BG-DBCBG 05.1972 Bulgaria, other companies DBCBG ex 204 485-7
204 492 13531 98 52 0204 492-3 BG-DBSR 1972 Bulgaria, other companies DBCBG
202 500-5 V 100.5 16756 98 80 3202 500-5 D-RAILS 07.1983 Germany, private carriers Other Lok 9 Redler-Service, Inhaber Burghard Redler e.K., Oberweser
293 514-6 15084 92 80 1293 514-6 D-BASF 1975 2014 Germany, private carriers Other BASF AG, Ludwigshafen
293 514-6 15084 92 80 1293 514-6 D-BUVL 1975 Germany, private carriers Other Eisenbahn Anlagen Handel GmbH, Duisburg
202 518-7 V 100.1 13557 03.1973 12.2007 Germany, private carriers ALS
202 520-3 V 100.1 13559 03.1973 04.2002 DB Regio Cottbus
202 520-3 V 100.1 13559 03.1973 12.2008 Germany, private carriers Other Lotrac Eisenbahnverkehrsunternehmen GmbH
202 520-3 V 100.1 13559 92 80 1202 520-3 D-BWESA 03.1973 03.2014 Germany, private carriers Other Uwe Adam EVU GmbH · Sebastian"
202 520-3 V 100.1 13559 92 80 1202 520-3 D-BUG 03.1973 Germany, private carriers Other SKL Schienen Komplex Logistik Magdeburg GmbH & Co. KG
202 524-5 V 100.1 13563 1973 05.2007 Germany, private carriers ALS
202 530-2 V 100.1 13569 04.1973 2002 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Cottbus ex 112 530-1
202 539-3 V 100.1 13578 05.1973 02.2005 Germany, private carriers ALS
202 545-0 13584 1973 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Pasewalk
112 565-7 V 100.1 13883 92 80 1202 565-8 D-PRESS 1973 Germany, private carriers PRESS
202 587-2 V 100.1 13905 09.1973 12.2003 DB Regio Chemnitz
202 597-1 V 100.1 13915 10.1973 06.2002 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Cottbus
202 597-1 V 100.1 13915 92 80 1202 597-1 D-EBS 10.1973 Germany, private carriers EBS EBS Erfurter Bahnservice GmbH, Erfurt
284 601-6 V 100.1 13578 92 84 2284 601-6 NL-VRR 05.1973 Netherlands private carriers Volkerrail 203-1; "Tom"
284 602-4 V 100.1 14392 92 84 2284 602-4 NL-VRR 07.1974 Netherlands private carriers Volkerrail 203-2; "Jerry"
284 603-2 V 100.1 14840 92 84 2284 603-2 NL-RRF 04.1975 Netherlands private carriers Volkerrail RRF 24
204 605-0 V 100.1 13923 10.1973 2011 DB Cargo Zwickau
284 605-7 V 100.1 13557 92 84 2284 605-7 NL-VRR 03.1973 Netherlands private carriers Volkerrail 203-5; "Tyke"
56 605 V 100.1 13923 98 52 1756 605-0 BG-DBCBG 10.1973 Bulgaria, other companies DBCBG ex 204 605-0
56 616 13934 98 52 1756 616-7 BG-DBCBG 1973 Bulgaria, other companies DBCBG
202 623-5 V 100.1 14433 92 80 1202 623-5 D-RAILS 10.1974 Germany, private carriers Other Redler-Service e.K., Oberweser
202 624-3 V 100.1 13500 92 80 1202 624-3 D-DLI 04.1972 2013 Germany, private carriers Other DIE-LEI GmbH, Kassel · "Starker Anton"
202 624-3 V 100.1 13500 92 80 1202 624-3 D-FVD 04.1972 05.2015 Germany, private carriers Other FVD Fahrzeug-Vermietung Duisburg GmbH
202 624-3 V 100.1 13500 92 80 1202 624-3 D-RRI 04.1972 Germany, private carriers Other № 104 RRI Rhenus Rail St. Ingbert GmbH
56 626 V 100.1 13944 98 52 1756 626-6 BG-DBCBG 12.1973 Bulgaria, other companies DBCBG ex 204 626-6
204 641-5 V 100.1 13959 01.1974 12.2010 DB Cargo Saalfeld
112 646-5 14073 98 80 3202 646-6 D-TRG 1974 Germany, private carriers Other TRIANGULA Logistik GmbH, Gelenau
202 654-0 V 100.1 14081 02.1974 10.2002 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Erfurt ex 112 654-9
202 655-7 12547 98 80 3202 655-7 D-VWE 1970 2016 Germany, private carriers Other DL 3; Verden-Walsroder Eisenbahn GmbH, Verden
202 655-7 12547 98 80 3202 655-7 D-ILM 1970 Germany, private carriers Other V100-03; Ilmebahn GmbH, Einbeck
202 656-5 V 100.1 14357 04.1974 12.2002 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Reichenbach (Vogtl) ex 112 656-4
203 658-0 V 100.1 14359 92 80 1203 158-1 D-ALS 04.1974 03.2011 Germany, private carriers ALS
204 660-5 V 100.1 14361 05.1974 11.2004 DB Cargo Zwickau
56 660 V 100.1 14361 98 52 1756 660-5 BG-DBSBG 05.1974 Bulgaria, other companies DBCBG ex 204 660-5
204 671-2 V 100.1 14372 05.1974 12.2010 DB Cargo Dresden
56 671 V 100.1 14372 98 52 1756 671-2 BG-DBCBG 05.1974 Bulgaria, other companies DBCBG ex 204 671-2
202 672-2 14373 05.1974 2003 Germany, private carriers ALS
202 675-5 14376 92 80 1203 301-7 D-DBMP 1974 12.2001 Germany, private carriers Other Schienenfahrzeugzentrum Stendal
202 690-4 V 100.1 14391 92 84 2203 004-1 NL-SLG 07.1974 Germany, private carriers Other V100-SP-004; SLG Spitzke Logistik GmbH, Großbeeren
202 691-2 V 100.1 14392 07.1974 04.2005 Germany, private carriers ALS
204 698-5 14399 1974 2002 DB Cargo Dresden ex 114 698-4
56 698 14399 98 52 1756 698-5 BG-DBCBG 1974 Bulgaria, other companies DBCBG
745 701-3 V 100.1 12542 92 54 2 745 701-3 CZ-RTTS 06.1970 Czech Republiс, other Other RailTransport-Stift s.r.o., Šluknov
745 702-1 V 100.1 14362 92 54 2 745 702-1 CZ-RTTS 05.1974 Czech Republiс, other Other RailTransport-Stift s.r.o., Šluknov
202 708-4 V 100.1 14409 92 80 1202 311-7 D-MTEG 09.1974 Germany, private carriers MTEG ex 112 708-3
204 710-8 14411 09.1974 2002 DB Cargo Dresden
56 710 14411 98 52 1756 710-8 BG-DBCBG 09.1974 Bulgaria, other companies DBCBG
202 719-1 14420 09.1974 2007 Germany, private carriers ALS
204 723-1 14424 1974 02.2002 DB Cargo Dresden
204 723-1 14424 1974 2011 Romania, other companies Other Logistic Services Danubius S.r.l., Timisoara
202 732-4 V 100.1 14433 10.1974 06.2002 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Seddin
202 743-1 V 100.1 14444 11.1974 05.2002 DB Regio Chemnitz ex 112 743-0
202 743-1 V 100.1 14444 92 80 1202 743-1 D-BWESA 11.1974 12.2008 Germany, private carriers Other Lotrac Eisenbahnverkehrsunternehmen GmbH
202 743-1 V 100.1 14444 92 80 1202 743-1 D-BWESA 11.1974 12.2015 Germany, private carriers Other Uwe Adam EVU GmbH · 10 · "Anja"
202 743-1 V 100.1 14444 92 80 1202 743-1 D-RIS 11.1974 2023 Germany, private carriers Other RIS Regio Infra Service Sachsen GmbH
202 743-1 V 100.1 14444 92 80 1202 743-1 D-RAILS 11.1974 Germany, private carriers Other Redler-Service, Inhaber Burghard Redler e.K., Oberweser
202 744-9 V 100.1 14445 92 84 2203 005-8 NL-SLG 11.1974 Germany, private carriers Other V100-SP-005; SLG Spitzke Logistik GmbH, Großbeeren
202 752-2 14453 1974 2002 DB Regio Halle
203 764-6 14465 92 80 1203 165-6 D-ALS 1975 12.2017 Germany, private carriers ALS
202 783-7 V 100.1 14840 04.1975 12.2005 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Cottbus
204 803-1 V 100.1 15075 06.1975 12.2010 DB Cargo Zwickau
204 805-6 V 100.1 15077 98 52 1756 805-6 BG-ALS 06.1975 Germany, private carriers ALS
201 812-5 15084 1975 1998 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Halberstadt
293 828-0 V 100.1 14892 98 80 3293 828-0 D-AULOC 08.1975 Germany, private carriers Other № 41 AL Augsburger Localbahn GmbH, Augsburg
203 841-2 V 100.1 15226 92 80 1203 841-2 D-BRS 07.1976 Germany, private carriers STRABAG
203 843-8 V 100.1 15228 92 80 1203 145-8 D-RIS 1976 Germany, private carriers RIS
199 861-6 V 100.1 15379 09.1976 Germany, Other HSB колея 1000 мм
199 871-5 V 100.1 15389 1976 Germany, Other HSB
199 872-3 V 100.1 15390 10.1976 Germany, Other HSB колея 1000 мм
199 874-9 V 100.1 15392 11.1976 Germany, Other HSB колея 1000 мм
199 877-2 16391 1978 Germany, Other DB Museum колея 1000 мм
201 878-6 V 100.1 16372 1977 1995 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Chemnitz
201 878-6 V 100.1 16372 98 80 3201 878-6 D-LOCON 1977 Germany, private carriers LOCON #209
293 884-3 V 100.1 16378 98 80 3293 884-3 D-AULOC 01.1978 Germany, private carriers Other 42; AL Augsburger Localbahn GmbH, Augsburg
201 887-7 16381 1978 11.1995 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Chemnitz
201 889-3 V 100.1 16383 02.1978 05.1996 DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) Halle (Saale)
199 891-3 V 100.1 16385 03.1978 01.1992 DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) Other Wernigerode Westerntor 1000 мм
293 891-8 V 100.1 16385 98 80 3293 891-8 D-AULOC 03.1978 Germany, private carriers AMEH TRANS № 43 AL Augsburger Localbahn GmbH, Augsburg
199 892-1 V 100.1 16386 1978 Germany, Other HSB колея 1000 мм
293 903-1 V 100.4 16581 98 80 3293 903-1 D-LEUNA 1981 12.2010 Germany, private carriers Other LEUNA 131; IL InfraLeuna GmbH, Leuna
293 903-1 V 100.4 16581 98 80 3293 903-1 D-AULOC 1981 05.2022 Germany, private carriers Other 46; AL Augsburger Localbahn GmbH, Augsburg
293 903-1 V 100.4 16581 98 80 3293 903-1 D-PRESS 1981 Germany, private carriers Other IntEgro Verkehr GmbH, Reichenbach
293 907-2 V 100.4 16677 98 80 3293 907-2 D-LEUNA 07.1981 01.2010 Germany, private carriers Other LEUNA 134; IL InfraLeuna GmbH, Leuna
293 907-2 V 100.4 16677 98 80 3293 907-2 D-AULOC 07.1981 05.2022 Germany, private carriers Other AL Augsburger Localbahn GmbH, Augsburg
293 907-2 V 100.4 16677 98 80 3293 907-2 D-PRESS 07.1981 Germany, private carriers Other IntEgro Verkehr GmbH, Reichenbach
203 915-4 V 100.1 12774 12.1970 Germany, private carriers Other N1 Rail Services Deutschland GmbH, München
710 970-5 V 100.5 16756 07.1983 04.2001 Germany, private carriers Other Deutsche Gleis- und Tiefbau GmbH, Berlin (DGT)
202 970-5 V 100.5 16756 98 80 3202 500-5 D-DLI 07.1983 02.2015 Germany, private carriers Other DIE-LEI GmbH · "Odysseus"
BASF 1001 15084 1975 2007 Germany, private carriers Other BASF AG, Ludwigshafen
1002 12504 02.1970 2008 Germany, private carriers KEG ex 222
V 1200.02 V 100.1 12774 12.1970 05.2006 Germany, private carriers Other RAR Rent-a-Rail Eisenbahn-Service AG · "Brunhilde"
V 1405.02 V 100.1 12774 92 80 1203 915-4 D-RAR 12.1970 12.2014 Germany, private carriers Other RAR Rent-a-Rail Eisenbahn-Service AG · "Brunhilde"
16372 V 100.1 16372 1977 04.1998 Germany, private carriers Other ABB Daimler-Benz Transportation GmbH, Kassel

Records shown: 315 of 315

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Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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