List of the vehicles

CFR Class 40 (060-EA)

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Serial type Works number ID number Built Left/written off Railway Depot Note
40 0640 745 91 53 0 400640-5 1983 Romania, other companies GFR
40-0641-7 LE5100 746 1983 01.2008 CFR Marfă Other
40 0642 747 1983 CFR Marfă Other
40 0643 748 1983 CFR Marfă București
40 0644 749 91 53 0 400644-7 1983 CFR Marfă Craiova
40 0645 750 1983 CFR Marfă Other
40 0647 752 91 53 0 400647-0 1983 Romania, other companies VTR
40-0648-2 LE5100 753 1983 06.2008 CFR Marfă Other
40 0649 754 91 53 0 400649-6 1983 CFR Călători Galați
40 0650 755 91 53 0 400650-4 RO-SNTCF 1983 CFR Călători Suceava Nord
40-0651-6 LE5100 756 1983 03.2008 CFR Marfă Other
40-0652-4 LE5100 757 1983 12.2012 CFR Marfă Adjud
40 0653 758 1983 CFR Marfă Adjud
40 0654 759 91 53 0 400654-6 RO-SNTFC 1983 CFR Călători Galați
40 0656 761 91 53 0400 656-1 1983 Bulgaria, other companies BŽK
40 0657 762 1983 CFR Marfă Other
40 0658 763 91 53 0 400658-7 1983 CFR Călători Galați
40 0659 764 1983 CFR Marfă Other
40 0660 765 1983 CFR Marfă București
40 0661 766 91 53 0 400 661-1 1983 CFR Călători Ploiești
40-0662-3 LE5100 767 1983 12.2009 CFR Marfă Other
40 0663 768 1983 CFR Călători Other
40 0664 769 1983 CFR Marfă Other
40 0665 770 1983 CFR Marfă Other
40 0666 771 91 53 0 400666-0 RO-SNTFC 1983 CFR Călători Suceava Nord
40-0667-2 LE5100 772 1983 12.2009 CFR Marfă Other
40-0668-0 LE5100 773 1983 10.2010 CFR Marfă Other
40 0669 774 91 53 0 400669-4 1983 CFR Călători Ploiești
40 0670 775 91 53 0 400 670-2 1983 CFR Călători Cluj-Napoca
40-0671-4 LE5100 776 1983 2011 CFR Călători Other
40-0672-2 LE5100 777 1983 11.2012 CFR Marfă Other
40-0673-0 LE5100 778 1984 12.2012 CFR Marfă Other
40 0674 779 1984 CFR Marfă Other
40 0675 780 1984 CFR Marfă Other
40 0676 781 1984 CFR Marfă Târgu Mureș
40-0677-1 LE5100 782 1984 03.2010 CFR Marfă Fetești
40 0678 783 1984 Romania, other companies CTV
40 0679 784 91 53 0 400679-3 1984 CFR Călători Galați
40 0680 785 91 53 0 400680-1 1984 CFR Călători Cluj-Napoca
400 682 LE5100 787 91 53 0400 682-5 RO-GFR 1984 2011 Romania, other companies GFR
40 0684 789 1984 CFR Marfă București
40 0685 790 91 53 0 400 685-0 1984 CFR Marfă Other
40-0686-2 LE5100 791 1984 07.2011 CFR Marfă Other
40 0687 792 1984 CFR Marfă București
40 0688 793 1984 CFR Marfă Other
40-0690-4 LE5100 795 1984 2009 CFR Călători Other
40 0691 796 91 53 0 400691-2 1984 Romania, other companies GFR
40-0692-0 LE5100 797 1984 2009 CFR Călători Other
40 0694 799 91 53 0 400 694-2 1984 CFR Călători Timișoara Nord
40 0695 800 91 53 0 400695-9 RO-SNTFC 1984 CFR Călători Arad
40 0696 801 1984 CFR Marfă Other
40 0698 808 40-0698-7 1984 CFR Marfă Târgu Mureș
40 0699 809 91 53 0 400699-1 RO-SNTFC 1984 CFR Călători Suceava Nord
40 0700 810 91 53 0 400 700-7 RO-SNTFC 1984 CFR Călători Galați
40 0701 811 91 53 0 400701-5 1984 CFR Călători Cluj-Napoca
40 0702 812 91 53 0 400702-3 1984 CFR Marfă Pașcani
40-0703-5 LE5100 803 1984 2008 CFR Călători Other
400 704 LE5100 804 91 53 0 400704-9 RO-GFR 1984 2018 Hungary, other companies THM
400 704 LE5100 804 91 53 0400 704-9 RO-THM 1984 Hungary, other companies THM
40 0705 805 1984 CFR Marfă Adjud
40 0706 806 40-0706-8 1984 CFR Marfă Dej
40-0707-6 LE5100 807 1984 04.2018 CFR Marfă Other
40 0709 814 91 53 0 400709-8 1984 Romania, other companies TFG
40 0711 816 91 53 0 400711-8 1984 Romania, other companies GFR
40-0713-4 LE5100 818 1984 12.2018 CFR Marfă Other
40-0716-7 LE5100 821 1984 12.2011 CFR Marfă Adjud
40 0718 823 1984 CFR Marfă Other
40 0721 826 91 53 0 400721-3 1984 CFR Călători Cluj-Napoca
40 0723 828 91 53 0 40 0723-9 1984 Romania, other companies GFR
40 0725 830 91 53 040 0725-4 Romania, other companies CG
40-0726-6 LE5100 831 04.2019 CFR Marfă Other
40 0727 832 91 53 0 400727-0 Romania, other companies UTZ
40 0728 833 Romania, other companies GTF
40 0729 834 91 53 0 400729-6 1985 CFR Călători Cluj-Napoca
40 0732 837 91 53 0 400732-0 1985 CFR Călători Timișoara Nord
40 0733 838 91 53 0 400733-2 1985 Bulgaria, other companies BŽK
40 0734 839 91 53 0 400 734-6 1985 CFR Călători Ploiești
40 0736 841 91 53 0 400736-1 RO-CFR 1985 CFR Marfă Dej
40 0737 842 91 53 04 00737-9 RO-CFR 1985 CFR Marfă Other
400 739 LE5100 844 91 53 0 40 0739-5 RO-GFR 1985 Romania, other companies GFR
40 0740 845 1985 CFR Marfă Craiova
40-0742-3 LE5100 847 1985 2008 CFR Călători Other
40 0743 848 1985 CFR Călători Other
40-0744-9 LE5100 849 1985 12.2011 CFR Marfă Other
40 0745 850 1985 CFR Marfă Other
40 0746 851 91 53 0 400746-0 1985 CFR Marfă Pașcani
400 748 LE5100 855 91 53 0400 748-6 RO-GFR 1985 Hungary, other companies THM
40 0749 854 91 53 0 400749-4 1985 Romania, other companies GFR
40 0750 853 91 53 0400 750-2 1985 CFR Marfă Craiova
40 0752 857 91 53 0 400752-8 RO-SNTFC CFR Călători Brașov
40 0754 859 91 53 0 400754-4 CFR Călători Timișoara Nord
40 0756 861 91 53 0 400756-9 1986 CFR Călători Cluj-Napoca
40 0757 862 1986 CFR Marfă Other
40 0758 863 91 53 040 0758-5 RO-SNTFC 1986 CFR Călători Suceava Nord
40 0759 864 1986 Romania, other companies UTZ
40 0762 882 1986 CFR Marfă Dej
40 0764 884 1986 CFR Marfă Other
40 0766 886 1986 Romania, other companies STI
40 0768 888 1986 ???? CFR Călători Other
40 0770 890 91 53 0 400770-0 RO-SNTFC 1986 CFR Călători Brașov
40-0771-2 LE5100 891 1987 12.2012 CFR Marfă Other
40 0772 922 91 53 0 400772-6 1987 CFR Călători Ploiești
40-0774-6 LE5100 924 1987 2008 Romania, other companies SFTRA
40 0775 925 91 53 0 400 775-9 RO-SNTFC 1987 CFR Călători Galați
40-0776-1 LE5100 928 1987 07.2018 CFR Marfă București
40-0777-9 LE5100 926 1987 04.2014 Romania, other companies CTV
40 0778 927 91 53 0 400778-3 1987 Romania, other companies UTZ
40-0779-5 LE5100 929 1987 12.2018 CFR Marfă Other
40 0781 931 91 53 0 400781-7 1987 CFR Călători Ploiești
40 0782 932 91 53 0 400782-5 1987 CFR Călători Cluj-Napoca
40-0783-7 LE5100 933 1987 2008 Romania, other companies SFTRA
40 0786 936 91 53 0 400786-6 1987 CFR Marfă Dej
40 0788 939 1987 CFR Marfă Simeria
40 0789 938 91 53 0 400 789-0 1987 CFR Călători Arad
40 0791 941 91 53 0 400791-6 1987 Romania, other companies VTR
40-0792-8 LE5100 942 1987 07.2018 CFR Marfă Brașov
40 0793 943 1987 CFR Marfă Pașcani
40 0794 944 91 53 0 400 794-0 1987 CFR Călători București
400 795 LE5100 946 91 53 0 400795-7 RO-GFR 1987 ???? Hungary, other companies THM
400 795 LE5100 946 91 53 0400 795-7 RO-THM 1987 Hungary, other companies THM
40 0797 947 91 53 0 400797-3 1987 Romania, other companies GFR
40-0798-5 LE5100 948 1987 2011 CFR Călători Other
40 0799 949 91 53 0400 799-9 RO-SNTFC 1987 CFR Călători Suceava Nord
40 0800 950 91 53 0 400800-5 RO-SNTFC 1987 CFR Călători Suceava Nord
40 0801 951 91 53 0 400801-3 RO-SNTFC 1987 CFR Călători Brașov
40-0802-5 LE5100 952 1987 2010 CFR Călători Other
40 0803 953 91 53 0 400803-9 1987 Romania, other companies GFR
40-0805-8 LE5100 955 11.2011 CFR Marfă Other
40 0808 958 CFR Marfă Târgu Mureș
40 0812 962 1988 CFR Marfă Adjud
40 0813 963 1988 CFR Marfă Buzău
40 0816 966 1988 CFR Marfă Craiova
40 0817 967 91 53 0 400817-9 1988 Bulgaria, other companies BŽK
40 0818 968 1988 CFR Călători Galați
40 0820 970 91 53 0 400820-3 RO-SNTFC 1988 CFR Călători Suceava Nord
40 0822 972 1988 CFR Călători Cluj-Napoca
40 0824 974 91 53 040 0824-5 RO-SNTFC 1988 CFR Călători Suceava Nord
40 0825 975 91 53 0400 825-2 1988 CFR Marfă Craiova
40 0826 976 91 53 0 400 826-0 1988 CFR Călători Cluj-Napoca
40 0828 978 91 53 04 00828-6 RO-CFR 1988 CFR Marfă Dej
40 0830 980 1988 CFR Marfă Târgu Mureș
40 0831 981 91 53 0 400831-0 1988 CFR Marfă Dej
40-0832-2 LE5100 982 1988 early 2010s CFR Marfă Târgu Mureș
40 0833 983 91 53 040 0833-6 RO-CFR 1988 CFR Marfă Craiova
40 0834 984 1988 CFR Marfă Craiova
40 0835 985 1988 CFR Marfă Other
40 0837 987 91 53 0 400837-7 RO-SNTFC 1988 CFR Călători Brașov
40 0838 988 91 53 0 400838-5 1988 CFR Călători Galați
40 0839 989 91 53 0 400839-3 1988 CFR Călători Cluj-Napoca
40 0841 991 1988 CFR Marfă Other
40 0843 993 91 53 0 40 0843-5 1988 Romania, other companies UTZ
40 0844 994 1988 CFR Marfă Other
40 0845 995 1988 CFR Marfă Other
40 0846 996 91 53 0 400846-8 1988 CFR Călători Cluj-Napoca
40 0847 997 CFR Marfă Other
40 0848 998 91 53 0 400 848-4 RO-SNTFC 1989 CFR Călători Brașov
40 0849 999 1989 CFR Marfă Simeria
40-0850-4 LE5100 1000 1989 02.2020 CFR Marfă Pașcani
40 0851 1001 1989 CFR Marfă Other
40 0852 1002 1989 CFR Marfă Craiova
40-0853-8 LE5100 1003 1989 2019 CFR Marfă Pașcani
40 0854 1004 91 53 0 400854-2 1989 Romania, other companies UTZ
40 0855 1005 91 53 040 0855-9 RO-SNTFC 1989 CFR Călători Suceava Nord
40-0856-1 LE5100 1006 1989 06.2019 CFR Marfă Other
40 0857 1007 91 53 0 400 857-5 RO-SNTFC 1989 CFR Călători Galați
40 0859 1009 1989 CFR Marfă Adjud
40 0861 1011 91 53 0 400861-7 1989 Romania, other companies STI
40 0862 1012 1989 CFR Marfă Craiova
40 0863 1013 91 53 0 400863-3 1989 CFR Călători Cluj-Napoca
40 0864 1014 1989 CFR Călători Ploiești
400 865 LE5100 1015 91 53 0400 865-8 RO-THM 1989 Hungary, other companies THM
40 0866 1016 91 53 0 400866-6 1989 CFR Marfă Craiova
40-0867-8 LE5100 1017 1989 11.2020 CFR Marfă Târgu Mureș
40 0868 1018 1989 CFR Marfă Other
40 0869 1019 91 53 0 400869-0 1989 CFR Marfă Other
40 0870 1020 91 53 0 40 0870-8 1989 CFR Marfă Other
40-0871-0 LE5100 1021 1989 2008 CFR Călători Other
40 0873 1023 91 53 0 400873-2 1989 CFR Călători Ploiești
40 0874 1024 92 53 0400 874-0 RO-CFR 1989 CFR Marfă Craiova
400 875 LE5100 1025 91 53 0 400875-7 RO-CFR 1989 12.2020 CFR Marfă Pașcani
40 0877 1027 91 53 0 400877-3 1989 CFR Marfă Târgu Mureș
40 0878 1028 91 53 0 400878-1 RO-SNTFC 1989 CFR Călători Iași
40 0879 1029 91 53 040 0879-9 RO-SNTFC 1989 CFR Călători Brașov
40-0880-1 LE5100 1030 1989 2010 CFR Călători Other
40 0881 1031 91 53 040 0881-5 1989 CFR Călători Cluj-Napoca
40 0882 1032 91 53 0400882-3 1989 Romania, other companies STI
40-0883-5 LE5100 1033 91 53 040 0883-1 RO-CFR 1989 07.2021 CFR Marfă Pașcani
0400 884-9 LE5100 1034 91 53 0400 884-9 RO-GFR 1989 Croatia, other companies THC
40 0885 1035 1989 CFR Marfă Pașcani
40 0886 1036 CFR Marfă Other
40-0887-6 LE5100 1037 06.2020 CFR Marfă Simeria
40-0888-4 LE5100 1038 1990 2011 CFR Călători București
40 0890 1040 1990 CFR Marfă Buzău
40 0893 1043 91 53 040 0873-0 RO-CFR 1990 CFR Marfă Târgu Mureș
40 0894 1044 91 53 0 400894-8 RO-CFR 1990 CFR Marfă Pașcani
400 897 LE5100 1047 91 53 0 400897-1 RO-CFR 1990 2021 CFR Marfă Other
400 899 LE5100 1049 91 53 0 400899-7 RO-SNTFC 1990 2025 CFR Călători Suceava Nord
40 0900 1050 1990 CFR Marfă Other
40 0901 1051 1990 CFR Marfă Dej
40 0903 1053 91 53 0 400903-7 1990 CFR Marfă Other
40 0904 1054 91 53 040 0904-5 1990 CFR Călători Cluj-Napoca
40 0907 1057 1990 CFR Marfă Other
40 0908 1058 91 53 0 400 908-6 1990 CFR Călători Ploiești
40 0909 1059 1990 CFR Marfă Other
40 0910 1060 91 53 0 400910-2 1990 CFR Marfă Other
40 0911 1061 1990 CFR Marfă Târgu Mureș
40 0912 1062 91 53 0 400 912-8 RO-SNTFC 1990 CFR Călători Iași
40 0914 1064 91 53 0400 914-4 RO-CFR 1990 CFR Marfă Târgu Mureș
40 0915 1065 1990 CFR Marfă Other
40-0916-3 LE5100 1066 1990 2006 Romania, other companies SFTRA
40 0917 1067 91 53 0 400917-7 1990 CFR Marfă Pașcani
40 0918 1068 91 53 040 0918-5 RO-CFR CFR Marfă Pașcani
40 0919 1069 91 53 0 400919-3 RO-SNTFC CFR Călători Brașov
41 0920 1070 91 53 0 410 920-9 1990 CFR Călători Cluj-Napoca
40 0921 1071 91 53 0 400921-9 RO-CFR 1991 CFR Marfă Simeria
40 0923 1073 91 53 0 400923-5 CFR Marfă Dej
40 1001 108 91 53 0 401001-9 1971 Bulgaria, other companies BŽK
40 1004 141 91 53 0 401004-3 1972 Romania, other companies GFR
40 1005 154 91 53 0 401005-0 1972 Romania, other companies GFR
40 1006 156 91 53 0 401006-8 1972 Romania, other companies GFR
40 1007 159 91 53 0 401007-6 1972 Romania, other companies GFR
40 1008 338 91 53 0 401008-4 1978 Romania, other companies GFR
40 1009 397 91 53 0 401009-2 1978 Romania, other companies GFR
40 1010 450 1979 Romania, other companies GFR
40 1011 452 91 53 0 401011-2 1979 Romania, other companies GFR
40 1012 490 91 53 0 401012-0 1979 Romania, other companies GFR
40 1013 491 91 53 0 401013-8 1979 Bulgaria, other companies BŽK
40 1014 493 91 53 0 401014-2 1979 Romania, other companies GFR
40 1017 91 53 0 401017-5 Romania, other companies UTZ
40 1018 91 53 0 401018-7 Bulgaria, other companies BŽK
40 1019 696 91 53 0 401019-5 1982 Romania, other companies TRC
40-1020-3 LE5100 26 1968 late 2010s Romania, other companies GFR
40 1021 337 91 53 0 401021-7 1978 Romania, other companies GFR
40 1022 492 91 53 0 401022-5 1979 Bulgaria, other companies BŽK
40 1023 509 91 53 0 401023-3 1979 Romania, other companies GFR
40-1024-5 LE5100 18 1968 early 2010s Romania, other companies GFR
40 1025 91 53 0 401025-8 1980 Romania, other companies GFR
40 1081 Romania, other companies CG
40 1082 91 53 040 1082-9 Romania, other companies VTR
40 1083 91 53 0 40 1083-7 Romania, other companies CG
40 1084 Romania, other companies CG
40-1085-6 LE5100 2014 Romania, other companies Other FSP
40 1087 91 53 040 1087-8 Romania, other companies CG
40 1088 91 53 040 1088-6 Romania, other companies CG
40 1089 91 53 040 1089-4 Romania, other companies CG
40 1090 91 53 040 1090-2 RO-MMV Romania, other companies PSPRO
40 1091 91 53 0 401091-0 Romania, other companies CTV
40 1092 91 53 0 401092-8 Romania, other companies UTZ
40 1093 91 53 040 1093-6 Romania, other companies RFO
40 1094 91 53 0 401094-4 Romania, other companies THF
40 1096 91 53 0 401096-9 RO-TFG Romania, other companies TFG
40 1097 144 91 52 7046 109-8 1972 2022 Romania, other companies CG
40 1100 91 52 0046 110-0 2022 Romania, other companies CG
40 1100 91 53 040 1100-9 Romania, other companies CG

Records shown: 254 of 754


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In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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