List of the vehicles


Железнодорожный кран Венгерской постройки г/п 45 тонн. Выпускался паровым, позднее переоборудывался на дизель (ДЖ45)

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Works number ID number Built Left/written off Railway Depot Note
ДЖ45 Uzbekistan railways Museum
ПЖ45 1954 Kazakhstan Temir Zholy Emergency trains ВП-24 ст.Павлодар
ДЖ45-042 1950 Gorky Railway Service ВП Ромаданово
ПЖ45-049 Other Other
ДЖ45-60 1940 1992 North Caucasus Railway Service cars ВП-309 Ставрополь
ДЖ45-068 18930024 1951 L'vivska Railway Service cars ВП Королёво
ПЖ45-072 Moscow Railway ZIL
ДЖ45-133 Estonian Railway Railway museum
ДЖ45-170 1953 October Railway Museum
ДЖ45-171 1953 Gorky Railway Service ВП Сергач
ДЖ45-189 1953 Gorky Railway Service ВП Муром
ДЖ45-191 18930032 Pivdenno-Zakhidna Railway Service NAV ВП-3125 Конотоп
ДЖ45-198 South Urals Railways Service ВП Магнитогорск
ДЖ45-225 1999 North Caucasus Railway Service cars ВП-309 Ставрополь
ДЖ45-226 North Caucasus Railway Service cars ВП Тимашевская
ДЖ45-228 North Caucasus Railway Service cars ВП Армавир
ДЖ45-248 Moscow Railway Other
ДЖ45-249 South Urals Railways Service
ДЖ45-254 254 03.1954 Kazakhstan Temir Zholy Path service ПЧ-15 Кокшетау
ДЖ45-259 Estonian Railway Service
ДЖ45-260 Far Eastern Railway Other
ДЖ45-263 11.2017 South-Eastern Railway Service cars ВП Тамбов
ДЖ45-278 Moscow Railway Service cars ВП Подмосковная
ДЖ45-284 Gorky Railway Service ВП Сергач

Records shown: 24 of 24

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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