List of the vehicles

S200 (T 669.0)

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Works number ID number Built Left/written off Railway Depot Note
S200-200 8453 1971 Poland, other companies Tabor Dębica
S 201 Poland, other companies KNH
S 202 Poland, other companies KNH
S 203 Poland, other companies KNH
S 204 Poland, other companies KNH
S 205 Poland, other companies KNH
S 206 1966 Poland, other companies PUK
S200-207 6363 1965 Poland, other companies PUK
S 208 Poland, other companies KNH
S 209 Poland, other companies KNH
S 210 Poland, other companies KNH
S 211 Poland, other companies KNH
S 212 Poland, other companies KNH
S 213 Poland, other companies KNH
S 214 Poland, other companies KNH
S 215 Poland, other companies KNH
S 216 1971 Poland, other companies PUK
S 217 1971 Poland, other companies PUK
S 218 Poland, other companies KNH
S 219 8441 92 51 3 620 453-2 PL-KLP 1971 Poland, other companies PUK S 200-219-2
S 220 Poland, other companies KNH
S 221 Poland, other companies KNH
S 222 Poland, other companies KNH
S 223 Poland, other companies KNH
S 224 1971 Poland, other companies PUK
S 225 1971 Poland, other companies PUK
S 226 Poland, other companies KNH
S200-227 8449 1971 Poland, other companies PUK
S 228 1971 Poland, other companies PUK
S200-229 8451 92 51 3 620 020-9 PL-DBSRP 03.1971 31.12.2014 Poland, other companies DBCPL
S200-230 8452 92 51 7 620 101-8 PL-DBSRR 1971 2013 Poland, other companies DBCPL
S 231 Poland, other companies KNH
S200-231 8453 1971 10.2013 Poland, other companies Tabor Dębica S200-200
S200-245 11311 92 51 3 620 000-1 PL-ID 1981 Poland, other companies IDPL с 05.2019 — лизинг PCC Intermodal S.A.
S200-250 12672 92 51 7 620 103-4 PL-IGL 1983 Poland, other companies IGL
S200-255 15372 1988 Poland, other companies PUK
S200-257 15374 1988 Poland, other companies PUK
S200-258 12680 92 51 3 620 300-5 PL-SKPL 02.1983 Stowarzyszenie Kolejowych Przewozów Lokalnych SKPL
S200-260 13060 92 51 3 620 041-5 1983 Stowarzyszenie Kolejowych Przewozów Lokalnych SKPL
S200-261 15821 92 51 3 620 450-8 PL-KLP 1990 Poland, other companies PUK
S-262 1990 Poland, other companies PUK
S200-263 92 51 7 620 002-8 PL-DBSRP 1983 Poland, other companies DBCPL
S200-265 13065 2 51 6 20 106-7 PL-DBSRP 12.02.1983 Poland, other companies DBCPL
S200-267 13067 92 51 3 620 043-1 23.01.1983 Poland, other companies DBCPL 03.2017 — продан CZ LOKO, a.s.
S200-272 92 51 7 620 107-5 Poland, other companies DBCPL
S200-282 14473 29.11.1986 10.2009 Poland, other companies PCCSZ S200-529
S200-285 14476 1986 Odeska Railway "Nika-Tera"
S200-288 14479 12.06.1986 Odeska Railway Private ООО «Сисайд Терминал» г. Николаев
S 290 14481 1986 Poland, other companies Bazalt
S 291 14482 1986 Poland, other companies Bazalt
S200-291 14482 1986 Poland, other companies Other
S-297 14488 92 51 3 620 037-3 29.08.1986 Slovakia, other companies LRL
S200-298 14489 92 51 3 620 038-1 PL-DBSRP 29.08.1986 Poland, other companies DBCPL
S200-301 10175 92 51 3 620 074-6 PL-ID 1977 Poland, other companies IDPL аренда STK Wrocław S.A.
S200-302 0752 92 51 3 620 075-3 PL-ID 1969 Poland, other companies IDPL aренда STK Wrocław S.A.
S200-303 11314 92 51 3 620 076-1 PL-STK 1981 03.2021 Poland, other companies IDPL С 30.08.2018 не работает
S200-528 13556 92 51 3 620 329-4 PL-ID 1984 Poland, other companies IDPL ex 770 528-8
S200-529 14473 92 51 3 620 208-0 PL-ID 29.11.1986 Poland, other companies IDPL
S200-530 12101 92 51 3 620 286-6 (PL-PROAG) 1981 Poland, other companies Other Proagra
S200-2103 14807 1987 Odeska Railway Private ООО "Сисайд Терминал", г. Николаев
S-2108 15363 92 51 3 620 010-1 1988 Slovakia, other companies LRL
S200-2110 15365 92 51 3 620 661-3 PL-DBSRP 1988 01.2019 Poland, other companies DBCPL
S200-2111 15366 92 51 3 620 008-4 PL-SKPL 1988 Stowarzyszenie Kolejowych Przewozów Lokalnych SKPL
S200-2120 92 51 3 620 009-2 PL-LBW Poland, other companies BOGDANKA
S200-2122 92 51 3 620 011-8 PL-LBW Poland, other companies BOGDANKA
S200-2123 16273 92 51 7 620 100-0 29.08.1988 Poland, other companies DBCPL
S200-2127 16277 92 51 3 620 012-6 PL-PLATA 1988 Poland, other companies Other с 2019 — аренда Alza Cargo sp. z o.o.
S200-2133 92 51 3 620 304-7 PL-DBSRP 1990 Poland, other companies DBCPL
S200-2135 92 51 3 620 013-4 PL-LBW Poland, other companies BOGDANKA
S200-2137 15827 92 51 3 620 015-9 PL-SKPL 1990 Stowarzyszenie Kolejowych Przewozów Lokalnych SKPL
S200-2138 15828 92 51 3 620 019-1 03.04.1990 Poland, other companies DBCPL
S200-2139 15829 1990 Poland, other companies CTL

Records shown: 72 of 72

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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