List of the vehicles
№ |
Serial type |
Works number |
ID number |
Built |
Left/written off |
Railway |
Depot |
Note |
459 021 |
5304-0600 |
2366 |
92 55 0459 021-5 H-KARP |
1957 |
Hungary, other companies |
Kárpát Vasút |
459 022 |
5304-1500 |
2607 |
92 55 0459 022-3 H-KARP |
1965 |
Hungary, other companies |
Kárpát Vasút |
TMY 101 |
1956 |
Sweden, other companies |
DSB MY 1121 |
TMY 103 |
1956 |
Sweden, other companies |
DSB MY 1123 |
TMY 105 |
2327 |
1956 |
Sweden, other companies |
ex DSB MY 1113 |
TMY 106 |
MY |
2322 |
92 74 2047 106-6 |
1956 |
Sweden, other companies |
DSB MY 1108 |
TMY 110 |
1957 |
Sweden, other companies |
DSB MY 1132 |
MY 1108 |
MY |
2322 |
1956 |
1999 |
Danish State Railways (DSB) |
Helsingør |
TMY M 1111 |
1956 |
Sweden, other companies |
Other |
Tågkraft |
MY 1115 |
MY |
2329 |
1956 |
2016 |
Danish State Railways (DSB) |
Helsingør |
V170 1125 |
5304-0600 |
2366 |
1957 |
2003 |
Germany, private carriers |
Other |
EuroTrac Verkehrstechnik GmbH, Haldensleben |
V170 1125 |
5304-0600 |
2366 |
92 80 1227 001-5 D-EIVEL |
1957 |
2010 |
Germany, private carriers |
MY 1126 |
2367 |
1957 |
Danish State Railways (DSB) |
Helsingør |
V170 1131 |
2372 |
92 80 1227 003-1 D-AMR |
1957 |
2001 |
Germany, private carriers |
Other |
Norddeutsche Eisenbahngesellschaft Niebüll GmbH, Niebüll |
V170 1131 |
2372 |
92 80 1227 003-1 D-AMR |
1957 |
2003 |
Germany, private carriers |
Other |
EuroTrac Verkehrstechnik GmbH, Haldensleben |
V170 1131 |
2372 |
92 80 1227 003-1 D-AMR |
1957 |
Germany, private carriers |
Other |
Altmark-Rail GmbH |
MY 1134 |
2375 |
1957 |
Sweden, other companies |
RC |
V170 1138 |
Germany, private carriers |
V170 1147 |
2598 |
92 80 1227 007-2 D-BRS |
1964 |
2003 |
Germany, private carriers |
Other |
Norddeutsche Eisenbahngesellschaft Niebüll GmbH, Niebüll |
V170 1147 |
2598 |
92 80 1227 007-2 D-BRS |
1964 |
Germany, private carriers |
STRABAG Rail GmbH, Lauda-Königshofen |
V170 1155 |
MY |
2606 |
1965 |
2010 |
Germany, private carriers |
Other |
Euro-Track |
V170 1155 |
MY |
2606 |
1965 |
Germany, private carriers |
Other |
Altmark-Rail |
TMY 1156 |
5304-1500 |
2607 |
1965 |
06.2015 |
Sweden, other companies |
MY 1159 |
MY |
2610 |
1159 |
06.1965 |
Danish State Railways (DSB) |
Helsingør |
Построен заводом Nydqvist & Holm AB — Bofors-Nohab AB, Тролльхэттан (Trollhättan), Швеция |
Records shown: 24 of 24
Color coding
In operation |
New (was not in regular operation) |
Out of order |
Abandoned / Dead storage |
Written off |
Current location and condition are unknown |
Refurbishment (change of the serial number) |
Transferred to another depot |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) |
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer |
Renumbered |
Renamed |