List of the vehicles


Дополнительные головные вагоны для работы с промежуточными вагонами ЭР2

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Serial type Works number ID number Built Left/written off Railway Depot Note
ЭТ2Р-901 62-4161Р 38909701 13158506 04.09.1997 03.2024 Moscow Railway Novomoskovsk-I 901-115008-101808-902
ЭТ2Р-902 62-4161Р 13237714 09.1997 03.2024 Moscow Railway Novomoskovsk-I 901-115008-101808-902
ЭТ2Р-903 1997 October Railway SPb-Balt
ЭТ2Р-904 1997 October Railway SPb-Balt
ЭТ2Р-905 62-4161Р 1997 04.2024 October Railway SPb-Balt
ЭТ2Р-906 62-4161Р 1997 04.2024 October Railway SPb-Balt
ЭТ2Р-907 62-4161Р 1997 Suburban Passenger Company Lvov ЭР2-32401
ЭТ2Р-908 62-4161Р 1997 Suburban Passenger Company Lvov ЭР2-32409
ЭТ2Р-909 62-4161Р 2001 Kuybyshev Railway Memorials Помещение отдыха | Платформа "Волжская Жемчужина"
ЭТ2Р-910 62-4161Р 2001 Kuybyshev Railway Bezymjanka (EMU)
ЭТ2Р-911 2002 2019 Latvian Railways RVR EVR 2501
ЭТ2Р-912 2002 2019 Latvian Railways RVR EVR 2502
ЭТ2Р-913 62-4161Р 13158522 2002 Kuybyshev Railway Bezymjanka (EMU)
ЭТ2Р-914 62-4161Р 13158514 2002 Moscow Railway Novomoskovsk-I 913-123006-95804-914; Служебный
ЭТ2Р-915 2003 October Railway Other
ЭТ2Р-916 2003 October Railway Other
ЭР2-8004 2002 2008 October Railway Metallostroy Сборный состав
ЭР2-8006 2008 October Railway SPb-Balt
ЭТ2Р-8913 11.2009 10.2011 October Railway Metallostroy Сборный состав ЭТ2Р-8913/8914
ЭТ2Р-8914 10.2009 10.2011 October Railway Metallostroy Сборный состав ЭТ2Р-8913/8914

Records shown: 20 of 20

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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