List of the vehicles

Latvian Railways, Industrial rolling stock, ТГМ23В

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  series and number  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Built Left/written off Depot Note
ТГМ23В48-021 1982 Private SIA LSEZ "Liepaja Bulk Terminal Ltd"
ТГМ23В48-066 1983 Private АО "Būvmateriali AN"
ТГМ23В48-097 1984 Liepājas metalurgs
ТГМ23В48-131 1984 2019 Liepājas metalurgs
ТГМ23В48-131 1984 Private SIA "Liepaja Bulk Terminal"
ТГМ23В48-184 1984 Liepājas metalurgs
ТГМ23В48-230 1985 Liepājas metalurgs Даугавпилсский ЛРЗ
ТГМ23В48-401 1985 Liepājas metalurgs
ТГМ23В48-442 1985 Private SIA "Riga Bulk Terminal"
ТГМ23В48-556 1985 Private
ТГМ23В48-560 1985 Liepājas metalurgs
ТГМ23В48-577 1985 Private Иецавский комбикормовой завод
ТГМ23В48-662 1986 Private Kupravas drenu rūpnīca
ТГМ23В48-664 1986 Private SIA LSEZ “Liepaja Bulk Terminal Ltd”
ТГМ23В48-665 03.1986 2012 Private A/s VRC Zasulauks
ТГМ23В48-671 1986 Private SIA LSEZ “Liepaja Bulk Terminal Ltd”
ТГМ23В48-693 1986 Private "Jumītis AS"
ТГМ23В48-750 1986 Liepājas metalurgs
ТГМ23В48-851 1986 2000s DZT
ТГМ23В48-851 1986 Liepājas metalurgs
ТГМ23В48-902 1986 Private АО "Būvmateriali AN"
ТГМ23В48-1003 1987 2019 Private AS "Rīgas dzirnavnieks"
ТГМ23В48-1003 1987 DZ Loko
ТГМ23В48-1018 1987 2022 Liepājas metalurgs
ТГМ23В48-1088 1987 Private AS "Brocēni"
ТГМ23В48-1133 1987 2022 Liepājas metalurgs
ТГМ23В48-1136 1987 Private SIA LSEZ "Liepaja Bulk Terminal Ltd"
ТГМ23В48-1226 08.1987 Private SIA "Latvijas Tilti"
ТГМ23В48-1251 1987 Private SIA LSEZ "Liepaja Bulk Terminal Ltd"
ТГМ23В48-1392 01.1988 Private АО "Būvmateriali AN"
ТГМ23В48-1431 1988 Liepājas metalurgs
ТГМ23В48-1570 1988 Liepājas metalurgs
ТГМ23В48-1577 07.1988 Private SIA "Elagro Trade"
ТГМ23В48-1676 10.1988 Private SIA Knauf Latvija
ТГМ23В48-1753 1988 2010 Private SIA “BEHW – Nīcgales keramzīts”
ТГМ23В48-1888 05.1989 Private SIA "Knauf Latvija"
ТГМ23В48-1995 1989 Liepājas metalurgs Подменен другим тепловозом
ТГМ23В48-2371 09.1990 Private SIA LSEZ “Liepaja Bulk Terminal Ltd”
ТГМ23В48-2601 04.1991 ???? Private AS "RER"

Records shown: 39 of 39

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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