List of the vehicles

Novorossia Railway, TCH-20 Yasinovataya (ZDN), VL8, VL8m (N8)

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

ID number Built Left/written off Note
ВЛ8М-239 1959
ВЛ8М-289 1960
ВЛ8М-325 1960
ВЛ8М-371 1961
ВЛ8М-443 10.1961
ВЛ8М-452 1961
ВЛ8М-467 01.1961
ВЛ8М-471 1961 б/з Иловайск
ВЛ8М-472 1961
ВЛ8М-475 1962
ВЛ8М-484 1962
ВЛ8М-489 1962
ВЛ8М-547 1962
ВЛ8М-563 08.1962
ВЛ8М-576 1962
ВЛ8М-577 1962 б/з Иловайск
ВЛ8М-590 1962
ВЛ8М-598 1962
ВЛ8М-603 1962
ВЛ8М-613 1962 б/з Иловайск
ВЛ8-639 1963 ВЛ8М; б/з Иловайск
ВЛ8-663 1963
ВЛ8М-700 1963
ВЛ8М-701 1963
ВЛ8М-745 1963
ВЛ8М-746 08.1963
ВЛ8М-761 1963
ВЛ8М-764 1963 б/з Иловайск
ВЛ8-766 1963 2013
ВЛ8М-769 1963
ВЛ8М-771 1963
ВЛ8М-776 10.1963
ВЛ8М-797 1963
ВЛ8М-804 1963
ВЛ8М-842 1964
ВЛ8М-963 1964
ВЛ8М-1002 1965
ВЛ8-1034 1965 ВЛ8М; б/з Иловайск
ВЛ8М-1083 1965 б/з Иловайск
ВЛ8М-1085 06.1965
ВЛ8М-1087 06.1965
ВЛ8М-1093 1965
ВЛ8М-1338 1961
ВЛ8М-1343 1961 б/з Иловайск
ВЛ8М-1363 12.1961 б/з Иловайск
ВЛ8М-1396 1962
ВЛ8М-1425 1963
ВЛ8М-1457 12269130/12269148 1966 б/з Иловайск
ВЛ8М-1504 1966 б/з Иловайск
ВЛ8-1520 08.1966
ВЛ8М-1576 1966
ВЛ8-1718 12274361 12.1967

Records shown: 52 of 52

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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