List of the vehicles

DB — Deutsche Bundesbahn (1949), Dortmund, DB 110 (E10)

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Serial type Works number ID number Built Left/written off
110 123-7 29103 04.1958 1994
110 124-5 29104 04.1958 05.1984
110 132-8 18234 08.1957 05.1984
110 133-6 18372 10.1957 05.1984
110 134-4 18237 10.1957 05.1984
110 135-1 18238 12.1957 05.1984
110 136-9 18239 12.1957 05.1984
110 137-7 18240 01.1958 05.1984
110 138-5 18322 03.1958 05.1984
110 139-3 18447 05.1958 05.1984
110 141-9 18445 04.1958 05.1984
E10 222 18681 03.1961 1968
110 246-6 18762 91 80 6139 246-3 D-DB 05.1962 1994
110 250-8 18957 05.1963 1994
110 255-7 18962 05.1963 1994
E10 264 18923 10.1962 1968
112 269-6 18938 1963 09.1979
110 283-9 18952 04.1963 05.1984
E10 285 E10 18954 04.1963 05.1963
E10 285 E10 18954 04.1963 04.1965
112 310-8 19022 1963 09.1979
E10 417 19192 91 80 6110 417-3 D-DB 1966 1968
110 417-3 19192 91 80 6110 417-3 D-DB 1966 1994
110 444-7 19219 91 80 6110 444-7 D-DB 02.1967 1994
110 448-8 19223 04.1967 1994
110 459-5 19234 07.1967 1994
110 509-7 19374 91 80 6115 509-2 D-DB 02.1969 1994

Records shown: 27 of 27

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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