List of the vehicles

October Railway, PChM St. Petersberg, SDP, SDPM, SDPM2

Ранее ПДМ Дача Долгорукова

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

ID number Built Left/written off Note
СДПМ-1139 19381136 ≈ 11.2015
СДПМ-1327 19363274 ≈ 11.2015
СДПМ-1393 19363936 1965
СДПМ-1553 ≈ 11.2015
СДПМ-1678 19366780
СДПМ-1861 19216381 1970
СДПМ-2160 19371608 ≈ 2017
СДПМ-2160 19371608
СДПМ-2280 19216332(19372804) 1974
СДПМ-2377 19373778 1975
СДПМ-2426 19374263 1976 ≈ 2016
СДПМ-2441 19374412 1976 ≈ 2016
СДПМ-2450 19216373 1976 ПЧ-24 Новгород
СДПМ-2490 19374909 1976 ≈ 2016
СДПМ-2490 19374909 1976
СДПМ-2555 19375559 1979 ПЧ-14 Санкт-Петербург Финляндский
СДПМ1-2652 19376524 1979
СДПМ2-3021 19216407 1984
СДПМ2-3040 19380401 1984 ПЧ-24 Гатчина
СДПМ2-3097 19380971 ПЧ-29 Мга
СДПМ2-3124 19381243 1985 ≈ 11.2015
СДПМ2-3195 19351956 ПЧ-18 Выборг (участок Приозерск)
СДПМ2-3265 19382654 1987 ПЧ-18 Выборг
СДПМ2-3347 19383470 1988 ≈ 11.2015

Records shown: 24 of 24

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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