List of the vehicles

Hungary, other companies, Industrial railways, other, DVM-2

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Serial type Works number Built Left/written off Note
A25 007 DVM2-16 736 1963 08.2018 Balatoni Iparvasút Kft.
A25-027 DVM2-43 1237 1967 02.2018 Alcoa-Köfém Kft.
A25 028 DVM2-43 1238 1967 2006 Loko-Metál Kft., Sopron
A25 052 DVM2-51 1374 1969 03.2014 Szolnoki Cukorgyár
A25 056 DVM2-53 1485 1970 Lasselsberger, Nyékládháza
A25 064 DVM2-53 1488 1970 2010 MAL Zrt., Ajka
A25 076 DVM2-65 1792 1974 2008 Szerencsi Cukorgyár
A25 083 DVM2-65 1799 1974 2015 Balatoni Iparvasút Kft.
A25 087 DVM2-16 740 1963 Ipari Robbanóanyaggyár, Peremarton
A25 095 DVM2-69 1852 1977 04.1995 Bélapátfalvi Cement-és Mészkőipari Rt.

Records shown: 10 of 10

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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