List of the vehicles

United Kingdom Railways, Toton (TO)

Sort by:  series and number  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Model Serial type Works number ID number Built Left/written off Note
51202 BR Class 101 30467 523 01.1959 12.1962
51203 BR Class 101 30467 523 01.1959 12.1962
56360 BR Class 101 30468 630 01.1959 12.1962
56361 BR Class 101 30468 630 01.1959 12.1962
59187 BR Class 104 30295 582 03.1958 12.1962
50391 BR Class 105 30284 525 07.1957 11.1958
50391 BR Class 105 30284 525 07.1957 12.1962
50799 BR Class 105 30353 529 01.1958 12.1962
59322 BR Class 105 30354 530 01.1958 12.1962
50984 BR Class 108 30465 543 1959 06.1962
51905 BR Class 108 30601 634 04.1960 09.1960
51863 BR Class 115 30598 598 07.1960 02.1962
51864 BR Class 115 30598 598 07.1960 02.1962
20012 BR Class 20 D8012 11.1957 27.03.1976
37138 Class 37 EE/VF3283/D812 D6838 025032 04.1963 05.1996
44001 Class 44 D1 04.1959 10.1976 "Scafell Pike"
44002 Class 44 D2 09.1959 01.02.1979 "Helvellyn"
44003 Class 44 D3 10.1959 17.07.1976 "Skiddaw"
44005 Class 44 D5 10.1959 04.1978 "Cross Fell"
44006 Class 44 D6 11.1959 25.01.1977 "Whernside"
44007 Class 44 D7 11.1959 30.11.1980 "Ingleborough"
44009 Class 44 D9 12.1959 01.03.1979 "Snowdon"
44010 Class 44 D10 02.1960 05.1977 "Tryfan"
60012 Class 60 11.1991
60032 Class 60 12.1990
60036 Class 60 06.1991
60037 Class 60 04.1991
60048 Class 60 04.1991
60052 Class 60 05.1991
60068 Class 60 10.1991
60077 Class 60 11.1991
60078 Class 60 11.1991
60084 Class 60 01.1993
60089 Class 60 01.1992
60093 Class 60 02.1992

Records shown: 35 of 35

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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