List of the vehicles

Magyar Államvasutak, Veszprém


Sort by:  series and number  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Model Serial type Works number ID number Built Left/written off
9436 005 (нет в списке) FJ 99 55 9436 005-0 H-MÁV
A-166 BCmot / ABmot Ganz 78852 1928 02.1990
Bzmot 009 Bzmot 82100 1979 1993
Bzmot 012 Bzmot 82103 1979 09.1992
Bzmot 045 Bzmot 82136 1979 1993
Bzmot 073 Bzmot 82648 1980 07.1992
Bzmot 074 Bzmot 82649 1980 09.1992
Bzmot 075 Bzmot 82650 1980 09.1990
M44.035 DVM-2 DVM2-7 338 1960 ????
M44 035 DVM-2 DVM2-7 338 1960 01.1993
M44.122 DVM-2 DVM2-24 836 1964 ????
M44 122 DVM-2 DVM2-24 836 1964 09.1989
375.545 MÁV 375 (JŽ 51) 110-2 4693 1922 ????
375.642 MÁV 375 (JŽ 51) 110-4 4896 1925 1985
375.896 MÁV 375 (JŽ 51) 115-3 4378 1918 1960s
375.1032 MÁV 375 (JŽ 51) 110-14 7578 1959 early 1970s
424.016 MÁV 424 122-2 4740 1924 15.04.1981
424.063 MÁV 424 122-8 5373 1943 07.10.1981
424.204 MÁV 424 122-9 5422 1944 03.10.1980
424.216 MÁV 424 122-9 5434 1944 29.08.1980
424-18 MÁV 424 heating 122-9 5455 1944 1996

Records shown: 21 of 21

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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