List of the vehicles

Estonian Railway, Eesti Muuseumraudtee Lavassaare

Sort by:  series and number  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Model Serial type Works number Built Left/written off Note
5 (Steam locomotives) 4843 1911 2007
M.2 (нет в списке) 1938
8АРВ-272 (нет в списке) 05.1954
10КР1-357 10KR1 1958
14КР2А-2234 14KR2 1976 № 16
EL5/05-19393 EL5 1985
EL5/05-19677 EL5 1985
ЭСУ2А-150 ESU2 1977
ЭСУ2А-247 ESU2 1978
ЭСУ2А-421 ESU2 1981
GD1 GMD2 195?
ГМД4 GMD4 10.2018
ГМД4 GMD4 52-056 10.2018
Гр-319 Gr 15416 1951 09.2007
Гр-320 Gr 15417 1951 11.1994
HF-11017 HF110C 945 1941
К10 K10
Кч4-332 Kch4 2347 1950 08.2003
Кч4-332 Kch4 2347 1950
МД54-4 4728 MD54-4 1972
Музг/4-239 MUZ4, MUZG4 1949
ПД1 PD1 №3
ППР2 PPR2 1956
СЩС-153 SChS 1960
СМД1-345 SMD1 52-059
TBM1-001 TBM1 002 2015
6208 TcUMZ 1950
ТУ2-094 TU2 1957
ТУ2-101 TU2 1957
ТУ3-002 TU3 3910 1957 07.2015
ТУ4-729 TU4 1966 09.2017
ТУ4-800 TU4 1966
ТУ4-1781 TU4 1969
ТУ6А-0470 TU6A 1975
ТУ6Д-0372 TU6D 26.07.1987
ТУ6Д-0378 TU6D 26.08.1987
ТУ6П-0049 TU6P 1988
ТУ7-1095 TU7 1978
ТУ7Р-0084 TU7R 1985
ВП1-899 VP 1951

Records shown: 41 of 41

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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