List of the vehicles

Latvian Railways, Zasulauks, Sr3

Основано 15.07.1950
Ранее — ТЧ-2 Прибалтийской ж. д.

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Built Left/written off
Ср3-1144 12.1952 1958
Ср3-1144 12.1952 01.1963
Ср3-1145 12.1952 1958
Ср3-1145 12.1952 1963
Ср3-1146 12.1952 1958
Ср3-1146 12.1952 1963
Ср3-1147 12.1952 1958
Ср3-1147 12.1952 1963
Ср3-1148 12.1952 1958
Ср3-1148 12.1952 1963
Ср3-1149 01.1953 1958
Ср3-1149 01.1953 1962
Ср3-1150 01.1953 1962
Ср3-1151 01.1953 1958
Ср3-1151 01.1953 1962
Ср3-1152 01.1953 1958
Ср3-1152 01.1953 1962
Ср3-1153 01.1953 1962
Ср3-1154 01.1953 1962
Ср3-1187 1953 1963
Ср3-1188 1953 1963
Ср3-1189 1953 1963
Ср3-1190 1953 09.1953
Ср3-1191 06.1953 09.1953
Ср3-1192 06.1953 1953
Ср3-1193 06.1953 1963
Ср3-1194 06.1953 1963
Ср3-1195 06.1953 1963
Ср3-1314 1954 1964
Ср3-1315 1954 1964
Ср3-1316 1954 1963
Ср3-1317 1954 1963
Ср3-1318 1954 1963
Ср3-1322 1954 1963
Ср3-1356 1954 1964
Ср3-1390 1955 1964
Ср3-1391 1955 1964
Ср3-1392 1955 1963
Ср3А6М-1467 1955 1981
Ср3-1469 1955 1967
Ср3А6М-1469 1955 1981
Ср3-1487 1956 1967
Ср3АМ6-1487 1956 1980
Ср3-1505 1956 1967
Ср3А6М-1505 1956 1980
Ср3-1521 1956 1967
Ср3А6М-1521 1956 1980
Ср3А6М-1522 05.1956 1981
Ср3А6М-1523 1956 1981
Ср3-1534 1956 1963
Ср3-1535 1956 1966
Ср3А6М-1535 1956 1980
Ср3-1536 1956 1964
Ср3-1537 1956 1964
Ср3-1538 1956 1963
Ср3-1539 1956 1963
Ср3-1540 1956 ????
Ср3А6М-1540 1956 1980
Ср3-1541 1956 1967
Ср3АМ-1541 1956 1980
Ср3-1542 1956 1958
Ср3-1542 1956 1963
Ср3-1543 1956 1963
Ср3-1545 1956 1963
Ср3-1579 1956 1967
Ср3А6М-1579 1956 1980
Ср3-1588 1956 1967
Ср3А6М-1588 1956 1981
Ср3-1589 1956 1967
Ср3А6М-1589 1956 1981
Ср3-1590 30.12.1956 1967
Ср3А6М-1590 30.12.1956 01.1981
Ср3-1620 1957 1963
Ср3-1622 1957 ????
Ср3А6М-1622 1957 1980
Ср3-1623 1957 1967
Ср3А6М-1623 1957 1980
Ср3-1655 1957 1967
Ср3А6М-1655 1957 1980
Ср3-1699 1958 1968
Ср3А6М-1699 1958 1980

Records shown: 81 of 81

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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