List of the vehicles

East Siberian Railway, Nizhneudinsk operational depot (TChE-2), VL80R

До 03.1934 — ТЧ-5 Томской ж. д.

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

ID number Built Left/written off Note
ВЛ80Р-1520 12630398/12630406 1976 02.2014 Тренажер
ВЛ80Р-1815 1985
ВЛ80Р-1819 12636379/12636387 1985 Тугнуйское ПТУ
ВЛ80Р-1829 12636577/12636585 1985 КР УУЛРЗ
ВЛ80Р-1841 12636817/12636825 1986 ????
ВЛ80Р-1842 12636833/12636841 1986 ????
ВЛ80Р-1843 12636858/12636866 1986 ????
ВЛ80Р-1844 12636874/12636882 1986 ≈ 2000
ВЛ80Р-1845 12636890/12636908 1986 ????
ВЛ80Р-1845 12636890/12636908 1986 Тугнуйское ПТУ
ВЛ80Р-1847 12636932/12636940 1986 ????
ВЛ80Р-1848 12636957/12636965 1986 ????
ВЛ80Р-1850 12636999/12637005 05.1986 ????
ВЛ80Р-1851 12637013/12637021 1986 ≤ 2000
ВЛ80Р-1853 12637054/12637062 1986 ????
ВЛ80Р-1854 ????????/12637088 1986 ????
ВЛ80Р-1855 12637096/12637104 1986 ????
ВЛ80Р-1856 12637112/12637120 1986 ????
ВЛ80Р-1857 12637138/12637146 1986 ????
ВЛ80Р-1858 12637153/12637161 1986 ????
ВЛ80Р-1859 12637179/12637187 30.09.1986 ????
ВЛ80Р-1859 12637179/12637187 30.09.1986
ВЛ80Р-1860 12637195/12637203 09.1986 ????
ВЛ80Р-1861 12637211/12637229 1986 ≥ 2000
ВЛ80Р-1862 12637237/12637245 1986 ????
ВЛ80Р-1863 12637252/12637260 10.1986 ????
ВЛ80Р-1864 12637278/12637286 1986 ????
ВЛ80Р-1865 12637294/12637302 1986 ????
ВЛ80Р-1866 12637310/12637328 1986 ????
ВЛ80Р-1867 12637336/12637344 11.1986 ????
ВЛ80Р-1868 12637351/12637369 12.1986 ????
ВЛ80Р-1869 12637377/12637385 1986 ≈ 1990

Records shown: 32 of 32

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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